[Abstract]:Modern educational theory points out that education is a systematic project formed by family education, school education, social education and students' self-education. With the rise of this social education concept and the reform of educational management system, home-school cooperation has become an inevitable requirement for the construction of modern school system and the promotion of educational reform and development. And how to keep up with the development of the new era, fully mobilize the positive forces of school education and external environment, promote home-school cooperation, has become the focus of attention to school improvement topic. Based on the research and experience of home and school cooperation at home and abroad, based on reading a lot of literature, this study investigated the current situation of home and school cooperation in S primary school in Nanjing. The primary school was deeply influenced by Tao Xingzhi's educational idea, and attached great importance to the educational cooperation among school, family and community while adhering to the spirit of truth-seeking education. Through the cognition of teachers and parents to the idea of home-school cooperation, and the practical practice of home-school cooperation, The establishment and actual operation of parent committee, the conditions and obstacles of promoting cooperation in home-school interaction, and so on, are investigated in depth, and the differences in roles, attitudes and abilities of home-school cooperation in S primary school are summarized. The form and level of home-school cooperation as well as the structure and mode of school management are discussed, and the corresponding reasons are described. At the same time, according to the current situation of S primary school, aiming at these existing problems, the researcher tries to put forward a new thinking on the reform of home-school cooperation practice through the application of appreciative inquiry concept, and construct the cooperative relationship. From the four aspects of enhancing the cooperative ability, innovating the cooperation mode and perfecting the cooperative system, the feasible countermeasures of the appreciative inquiry idea in the practice of the cooperation between home and school in S primary school are discussed. It not only lays a good foundation for the further exploration of home-school cooperation, but also provides a clear direction for the improvement and development of the school in the future.
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