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发布时间:2018-11-19 14:25
[Abstract]:The new curriculum standard of primary school science clearly points out that scientific inquiry is the main way of scientific learning. The second classroom, which is mainly extracurricular inquiry, is playing a great role in science education in primary school. The second classroom of primary school science refers to the scientific activities carried out by students using school resources, natural resources or social resources besides classroom teaching. The second classroom can effectively supplement the defects caused by time and space in classroom teaching. The second classroom science activity is flexible, is the student-oriented, the teacher as the supplementary science inquiry activity. The second class is closely related to classroom teaching and keeps consistent, continuous and complementary with the goal of cultivating students in science courses, which is of great help to improve students' ability of scientific inquiry. At home and abroad, various types of science second classroom models are being actively developed. Although there are many forms, there are still many deficiencies, and there is no real science teaching system for primary schools. How to guide students to carry out scientific activities in the second classroom needs further exploration. Combined with my theoretical research, practical analysis and case evaluation, this paper defines the "second classroom", develops targeted guiding strategies according to the habit of extracurricular inquiry of pupils, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. The whole paper is divided into four parts: the first part of the introduction is mainly from the research source to the research methods for the overall elaboration of the research goals, and combing the domestic and foreign research status; The second part mainly expounds the related concepts of "the second classroom", mainly from the definition of the second classroom and the examples of educational characteristics. The third part expounds the practical application of the second classroom and the effective strategies of the second classroom from the guidance of the teacher to the scientific inquiry of the second classroom, and the last part makes a brief exposition of the practical activities and the educational value of the second classroom.


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