[Abstract]:Classroom management is the basic condition for teaching activities to survive and an important guarantee for the smooth implementation of classroom teaching activities. Teachers' management in the classroom is directly reflected in explicit behavior, and the study of classroom management begins with behavior. The purpose of this study is to improve the classroom order and ensure the smooth teaching in the classroom, and to manage the students' problem behavior and good behavior as the starting point, from the bottom up to sum up, form the structure and verify. The purpose of this study is to explore the structure and characteristics of classroom management behavior of PE teachers in primary schools. In the first study, based on the existing research, 15 PE teachers in 5 primary schools in Beijing were interviewed to construct the classroom management behavior structure of PE teachers in primary schools. On the basis of research -78 nodes, through observing PE class and interviewing experts and students, the second study added 7 items and deleted 5 items to form 80 items [Primary School physical Education Teachers classroom Management behavior questionnaire]. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade students were given questionnaires, 634 valid questionnaires were collected, the remaining 27 items were analyzed and verified factors were analyzed, and the structure of classroom management behavior of PE teachers in primary schools was discussed. In the third study, 634 questionnaires were statistically analyzed, and the characteristics of classroom management behavior of PE teachers in primary schools were described. Conclusion: 1. Through interviews, 78 primary codes and 8 secondary codes were extracted: hint, punishment, conflict resolution, communication, motivation, management interest, organization of students' self-management, and formulation of routine requirements. Three levels of coding two: prompt, punishment, conflict resolution, communication classified as "problem handling behavior"; incentive, management fun, organize students self-management, formulate routine requirements classified as "maintain good behavior". Finally, the structure of classroom management behavior of PE teachers in primary school is divided into two dimensions, that is, dealing with problem behavior and maintaining good behavior. 2. Through the verification of a certain dimension of the study, the 7 dimension model fits well, which shows that the structure of the seven dimensions is relatively stable. In addition, the high-order verification of the seven dimensions can not converge into a certain two-dimensional degree model. 3. Primary school physical education teachers more use of conflict solving behavior and the formulation of routine requirements to manage students, less from the management of fun to manage, and for senior students in the other six dimensions except the incentive dimension to take more management behavior.
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