[Abstract]:American National teacher of the year is recognized as the most outstanding teacher in American education circles. The analysis of the selection and key features of American National Teachers of the year is of urgent significance to the educational reality of China, which is in urgent need of the emergence of a large number of outstanding teachers. The thesis begins with the following five parts: the first part mainly expounds the reason and significance of this research, and excavates the literature about the professional growth of teachers and teachers in the United States. And combing the research ideas and methods in order to deepen the National teacher of the year in the United States. The second part introduces the selection of National Teachers of the year. In this paper, the background of the selection project from the United States in the fierce competition in education, the level of education quality continues to decline, educational reform ideas have emerged, teachers' professional level needs to be improved in four aspects, the analysis. At the same time, the selection rules of national teachers of the year are introduced from the selection organization, the selection conditions and the selection process. The chapter concludes with an introduction to the National Teachers of the year honours and responsibilities. The third part summarizes the commonness of American National Teachers of the year from three aspects: the educational personality, the educational concept and the educational behavior. Educational personality is cut into from three angles: sacred social image, lofty moral accomplishment and positive psychological quality, and educational idea is developed from three aspects: vocational view, student view, teaching view; Educational behavior is deeply analyzed from three aspects of teachers' reflection, cooperation and teaching innovation. The fourth part analyzes the influence and function of American National Teachers. This paper probes into the demonstration radiation effect, innovation and communication effect of American National Teachers of the year, and fully excavates the positive influence and function of the annual teachers of the year. The fifth part is enlightenment and reference. This chapter not only draws four enlightenments from the teachers' professional development in our primary and secondary schools, but also draws lessons from the American experience to perfect the teachers' honor system in our country.
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