本文关键词:农村教师师本培训探究 出处:《河南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:当前我国已经进入全面建设小康社会的历史时期,在这新的历史时期,教育改革与发展的重点则在科教兴国和人才强国,办好让人民满意的教育越来越取决于建设一支高素质专业化的教师队伍。然而我国现阶段基层教师有1700万人,而农村教师就占总数的3/4 ,这样一个庞大的农村教师群体,其水平如何,将直接决定着教育的质量,关系到国家未来的发展。因此,加强农村中小学在职教师知识更新、提高农村教师队伍的素质已成为十分重要和迫切的问题,而解决这一问题的关键是加快发展农村在职教师的培训。通过农村教师的师本培训可以有力地完善农村教师培训机制、提高农村教师自身素质、提高农村整体教育质量。 本文主要通过文献研究和调查问卷两种方法来对农村教师师本培训问题进行研究。首先分析了农村教师师本培训的涵义及特点;其次从师本培训的教育学、心理学与社会学基础三个方面来对师本培训给予进一步的阐释;然后通过对农村教师师本培训的现状进行调查、分析,进而找出当前农村教师师本培训的问题与困境,针对这些问题与困境,再结合广大农村现有实际、农村学校整体状况及农村教师的综合素质等各个方面提出有针对性的对策与建议。主要从以下几个方面来实施:加强专家与教师的深度合作;以中小学为实施基地,立足于农村教学现场;教师自主学习为主,专家教授指导为辅;学校与社会提供相应的支持保障系统。通过这四个方面来具体实施农村教师师本培训,着重于教师的自主研究、自我反思、操作实践。重在学习能力、实践技能等方面的锻炼与培训。 本文的创新点主要在以知识补充为基础,重在教师实践能力的提升,通过不断的操作实践使教师能独立地、熟练的进行每一节课,确保每一节课的质量,从而从根本上提高农村学校的整体教育质量。
[Abstract]:China has entered a period of well-off society construction, in this new historical period, the focus of education reform and development in rejuvenating and talent, to make people satisfied with the education increasingly depends on the construction of a high-quality professional teachers. However, the present stage of our country grass-roots teachers have 17 million people, while rural teachers accounted for 3/4 of the total, such a large group of rural teachers, the level, will directly determine the quality of education, related to the future development of the country. Therefore, strengthening the renewal of rural primary and secondary school in-service teachers knowledge, improve the quality of rural teachers has become an important and urgent problem. And the key to solve this problem is to speed up the development of teachers in rural areas. Through the training of rural teachers training can effectively improve the teacher training mechanism of rural teachers, improve rural teachers' self To improve the quality of the whole education in rural areas.
This article mainly through literature research and questionnaire are two ways to the training for rural teachers is studied. Firstly, analyzes the meaning and characteristics of the rural teachers' training; secondly, the teacher training education, the three aspects of psychology and sociology basis to give further explanation to the teacher training; and then through the present situation the teacher training for rural teachers' investigation and analysis, and then find out the problems and difficulties of the current rural teacher training division, to solve these problems and difficulties, combined with the vast rural areas of the existing actual situation of various rural schools as a whole and the overall quality of rural teachers put forward pertinent countermeasures and suggestions mainly from the following. The implementation of several aspects: strengthening the cooperation of experts and teachers in primary and middle schools; for the implementation of the base, based on the field of rural education; teacher self-study college tutor teaching means As a supplement, schools and society provide corresponding support and guarantee system. Through these four aspects, the implementation of rural teacher training is focused on Teachers' independent research, self reflection and operation practice. The training and training of learning ability and practical skills are the most important aspects.
The innovation of this paper is mainly based on knowledge supplement, focusing on the improvement of teachers' practical ability. Through continuous operation practice, teachers can independently carry out every lesson, ensure the quality of each class, and ultimately improve the overall quality of education in rural schools.
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