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发布时间:2018-01-14 05:23

  本文关键词:现代教育技术在生殖健康教育中的应用研究 出处:《北京交通大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 现代教育技术 互联网 生殖健康 数字教育 数字家庭

[Abstract]:Absrtact: China is a large country with a large population, and the population problem has been restricting the economic construction and the improvement of the people's living standard. Since -30s, our country has implemented the national policy of family planning. The birth rate has dropped to a very low level, but the quality of the population birth is still a serious situation, people lack of knowledge of reproductive health, reproductive health diseases occur frequently. These problems directly restrict the improvement of the quality of the population and the construction process of harmonious society. Reproductive health problems have begun to be highly concerned by the Party and the country. Especially since China entered the new century, facing the fierce competition from all over the world, the country has put forward higher requirements for stabilizing the number of births and improving the quality of the population. To a large extent, it is necessary to strengthen the examination of the qualifications of practitioners in the field of family planning and the education and training of their ability to hold office, and at the same time, we need to do a good job in popularizing reproductive health knowledge for the masses of the people. However, at present, there are still a series of problems in the field of reproductive health in China, reproductive health does not have an independent executive department. The traditional methods of reproductive health education and training can not meet the requirements of rapid development in the new period, the concept of reproductive health training has not reached its due height, and the training mode of reproductive health education needs to be further explored. These problems have fundamentally restricted the normal development of reproductive health in China. This has affected the improvement of the reproductive health level of the people in our country. But the modern education technology with the computer Internet as the core has been applied successfully in many industries at home and abroad. This paper mainly from the current reproductive health of our country. The status quo of field training. Combined with practical cases of application of modern education technology in related industries at home and abroad, the present situation and problems of reproductive health training and service in the field of family planning in China are analyzed. According to the concept of modern education technology and its experience in other industries, a set of feasible digital training model of reproductive health was put forward. Finally, the author combined the practical experience in the design and development of practical projects. Further improve and improve the reproductive health field using modern education technology for education training and service implementation model.


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