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发布时间:2018-03-28 08:33

  本文选题:职前教师 切入点:教学知识 出处:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来教师专业发展一直是教育研究领域关注的焦点,其中不乏关于教师信念和教师教学知识的研究。 然而,教师的信念是一个比较宽泛的概念,它不可避免地包括了很多个子领域。在教学知识这一领域,究竟教师又有着什么样的信念?也就是说,对于教学知识,教师又持有那些认识呢? 很多对教师知识的研究关注的是教师应该具备什么样的知识结构,或者说教师应该知道哪些知识,而对于实然层面教师的知识结构或是教师对于教学知识究竟有着什么样的认识,这类研究相对较少,也就是说缺乏这种关注于实然层面的研究。 教师的教学知识信念,简言之,即教师对于教学知识的直觉性认识。梳理相关文献,可以发现,对于教学知识的认识,即关于教学知识的信念,它主要包括对于教学知识的类型、来源和稳定性三部分的考察。因此,本篇论文笔者致力于探究职前教师对于教学知识的认识,即职前教师的教学知识信念,主要是基于职前教师所持有的教学知识的类型和来源的考察。对于稳定性的探讨,由于时间有限,笔者期望作为后续研究的重点。 之所以选取职前教师,是因为这一特殊的群体,处于教师专业发展最初级阶段。他们究竟拥有怎样的教学知识,他们教学知识的来源又是什么?透过他们的信念,笔者期望发现他们的困惑和他们知识结构中存在的问题,以期对其专业发展提出一些合理性与建设性的建议,或是为职前教育的更加完善与发展提供只言片语之功。 带着这一问题和期望,笔者进行了探究。由于受到关于个体的认识论、教师的知识、内隐理论及动机理论等等相关研究的影响,笔者在借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,设计了开放式调查问卷对职前教师关于教学知识的信念进行了考察。本研究以100名免费师范生(职前教师)为对象,通过开放式问卷的设置,采用持续比较法,对文本资料进行了分析。本研究为不完全意义上的扎根研究,因为它并不是去验证某种理论,而是致力于从实证研究中,探讨实然层面存在的问题,拟定一些解决策略。由于笔者水平有限,不可能去生发出什么理论,同时笔者在研究前其实本身不可避免受到很多相关理论的影响。 对职前教师关于教学知识的信念进行了两个维度的考察:第一,关于教学知识的认识,研究结果发现,职前教师持有和比较重视以下几种类型的教学知识:1.教学法知识:2.学生的知识;3.学科知识;4.管理和组织的知识;5.自我和别人的知识。同时笔者还发现有一些职前教师认为教师职业没有什么特殊的知识。第二,关于教学知识的来源,研究结果发现,职前教师认为最主要有以下几个来源:1.正式的教育或是学习;2.信息的一些载体(书籍、杂志网络等);3.自己的一些实践经历;4.教育实习;5.自身的反思。 从理论层面来看,此项研究对实然层面上职前教师的知识信念进行考察,为教师认识论信念的研究提供了更细微的研究视角,有助于教学理论的进一步发展和完善,有利于本领域研究视野的拓展和研究视角的丰富,并为教师专业自主发展机制的探讨和更好地理解职前教师的知识结构奠定基础。从实践层面来看,对职前教师关于教学知识的信念进行考察,能够更好地激发职前教师对他们的教学知识的信念进行系统地反思,有助于职前教师主体意识、自主发展意识的唤醒与形塑,有助于职前教师通过反思、批判思考确立初步正确的完整的知识信念体系,为以后的教学生活的建构奠定基础。
[Abstract]:Teacher professional development has been the focus of the field of education research in recent years, including research on teaching knowledge of teachers' beliefs and teachers.
However, the teacher's belief is a broad concept, many sub fields it inevitably. In the field of teaching knowledge, whether teachers have what kind of faith? That is to say, for teaching knowledge, teachers also hold those who know?
Many of the teachers' knowledge of the study is concerned with teachers should have what knowledge structure, or that the teachers should know what knowledge, and knowledge structures for the real level teachers or teachers is understanding what kind of teaching for knowledge, this kind of research is relatively less, that is to say on this lack of attention to reality level.
Teachers' knowledge and belief, in short, that is teachers for intuitive knowledge teaching. Combing the relevant literature, can be found, for the understanding of teaching knowledge, namely knowledge about teaching beliefs, it mainly includes types for teaching knowledge, source and study of the stability of the three part. Therefore, the understanding of the author dedicated to the study of pre service teachers for teaching knowledge, namely the preservice teachers' teaching knowledge and belief, is mainly to review the types and sources held by pre service teachers' teaching based on knowledge. For the stability study, because time is limited, I hope as the focus of future studies.
The selection of pre service teachers, because it is a special group in the primary stage of teachers' professional development. They should have what kind of teaching knowledge, and what is the source of their teaching knowledge? Through their faith, the author hopes to found their confusion and their knowledge structure of the problem, in order to put forward some reasonable and constructive suggestions for their professional development, or to provide the power and development of a word or two more perfect pre service education.
With this question and expectation, the author conducted inquiry. Due to understanding about the individual theory, teachers' knowledge, influence of implicit theory and motivation theory and related research, based on the research results from abroad, the design of the open questionnaire investigates the preservice teachers' beliefs about teaching knowledge in this paper, 100 free normal students (pre service teachers) as the object, through the open questionnaire, using the constant comparative method, the text data is analyzed. The study was not rooted in the full sense, because it is not to prove a theory, but is committed to from an empirical study study, real level problems, proposed some solving strategies. Because of the limited level of the author, not likely to produce what theory, at the same time the author before the study itself inevitably many related theories. Ring.
The pre service teachers' beliefs about teaching knowledge were investigated in two dimensions: first, understanding of teaching knowledge, the results of the study showed that pre service teachers hold and pay more attention to the following several types of teaching knowledge: 1. teaching knowledge: 2. students' knowledge; 3. knowledge management and organizational knowledge; 4. 5.; self and knowledge of others. At the same time the author also found that some preservice teachers believe that occupation without what special knowledge. Second, source of teaching knowledge, the results of the study showed that the preservice teachers think that the main source of the following: 1. formal education or learning; some information carrier (2. books, magazines and other network); some 3. of their own practice experience; 4. educational practice; on 5. of its own.
From the view of theory, this study investigated the knowledge belief in the real level of pre service teachers, provide a more subtle perspective for teachers' epistemological beliefs research, further contribute to the development of teaching theory and perfect, is conducive to the research field of the development and research from the perspective of the rich, lay the foundation of knowledge the structure and the sacking of former teachers to explore the mechanism of professional development of teacher and better. From the perspective of practice on pre service teachers' beliefs about teaching the knowledge of the investigation, to better stimulate the preservice teachers' beliefs about their teaching knowledge systematically reflect, helps preservice teachers' subject consciousness, autonomy the development of awareness and shape, helps preservice teachers through reflection, critical thinking, establish the correct initial complete knowledge of belief system, construction of teaching for the future lay the foundation of life The foundation.



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