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发布时间:2017-12-26 22:14

  本文关键词:新常态下中小城市政府收购保障性住房去库存的可行性研究 出处:《审计与理财》2016年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 在售楼盘 城市房地产 井喷式增长 可行性研究 房地产市场 财政收入 待售 投机性需求 增幅下降 银行贷款

[Abstract]:Fundamentals will not improve long-term economic development China ZhengXin normal variable, but in the short term by the "three overlay effect, the decline in economic growth, the real economy profit decline, increase revenue decline. As a barometer of the economy, the real estate industry is particularly prominent. The regional gap of the real estate market is expanding. The key cities continue to rise, and the small and medium-sized cities continue to fall, showing the "two days of ice and fire". Inventory in small and medium-sized cities has become an important task to stabilize the local economy and the real estate market. First, the status and problems of the real estate industry in the small and medium-sized cities under the new normal condition are the growth of blowout in the sale plate, the fierce competition in the industry, and the large actual stock. Unsold area of non key city commercial housing in 2016
【作者单位】: 鹰潭市地税局;
【正文快照】: 新常态下中国经济发展长期向好的基本面不会变,但中短期受“三期叠加”效应影响,经济增速下降,实体经济盈利下降,财政收入增幅下降。房地产作为经济的晴雨表表现尤为突出,楼市的区域性差距不断扩大,重点城市持续上涨,中小城市不断下跌,呈现“冰火两重天”,中小城市去库存成为


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3 ;之江/转塘:在售楼盘不多,房源供应不足[J];楼市;2011年05期

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6 ;杭州在售楼盘总价索引[J];楼市;2009年24期

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8 ;杭州在售楼盘区域索引[J];楼市;2010年Z4期

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10 ;杭州在售楼盘区域索引[J];楼市;2010年22期

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1 记者 王岚;我市首次叫停在售楼盘预售[N];宁波日报;2012年

2 本报记者 耿诺;18个在售楼盘率先晒“家底”[N];北京日报;2013年

3 邓华宁;南京在售楼盘实行“核价新政”[N];中国改革报;2007年

4 林U,




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