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发布时间:2018-01-03 09:00

  本文关键词:金域名邸工程项目业主方成本管理研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 业主方 成本管理 房地产项目 优化方案

[Abstract]:Cost management is an important branch of modern project management knowledge theory, is an important prerequisite to ensure the realization of project interests, for real estate project management. The main content of cost management is to apply a series of management methods to effectively control and coordinate the cost incurred in the implementation of the project under the premise of ensuring the quality of the project and the progress of the project to meet the requirements of the contract. And the maximum cost savings to achieve the project expected cost target. This paper will stand on the owner's point of view of the real estate project cost management research. This paper focuses on the actual participation of the author of the project as the research object, the owner of the cost management as the focus of the study, the specific study of the following content: first. Through consulting a large number of domestic and foreign information about owner's cost management and analyzing its current situation. Secondly, it elaborates the theory of project cost and project cost management in detail. Finally. According to the actual case analysis to find out the current cost management problems of the owner of the project, and optimize the existing problems. This paper through the specific participation of the project as a study. Combining the cost management theory with the actual project, we hope to form a set of relatively perfect cost management system of the owner, and provide the information about the cost management research for the owner. For the whole real estate project cost management research to make a certain contribution.


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