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发布时间:2018-01-03 10:20

  本文关键词:SAGA高端物业营销策略研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: SAGA 房地产代理 高端物业 营销策略

【摘要】:从1998年开始,取消了住房分配,开始了商品房按揭,,房地产的发展已有15年历程。由于土地资源是属于不可再生资源,这一特殊性也使得房地产行业近年来的土地拍卖价一路飙升。房地产的这一现象也使它成为了很多投资客户的选择。与此同时,购房者对房屋的要求也不仅限于居住概念。而产品舒适度、项目规划合理性,升值潜力都是消费者考量的重点。然而高地价与高配置结合后的产品就形成了城市高端物业(项目配置较高,单价超过城市平均售价的40%。)的主流产品,而对于成都的房地产市场除本土的房地产开发企业外,更是云集了众多一二线品牌开发商,各大开发商拿地热情高涨,也相继开发了很多高端楼盘,为成都人民带来更多生活与居住享受的同时,也在争夺客户资源上展开了十八般武艺;近几年就高端物业的营销策略在房地产营销领域都有创新,只是各楼盘所呈现出来的销售结果却大有不同。 笔者通过所在企业对两个典型高端楼盘的营销策略的分析研究,尝试寻找高端物业营销策略的思路。 首先通过采用市场营销宏观环境分析(GPEST)以及波特五力分析模型对所在企业SAGA的内外部环境作分析。找出SAGA目前在高端物业营销策略上面临的困难和呈现的现状,以及此类情况对企业的影响和发展障碍。 其次就目前SAGA所服务的保利康桥和棕榈泉费尔蒙公寓两个高端项目,在营销策略的各个层面运用,同时就两个项目在营销过程中收集的客户信息作数据分析,通过数据分析的结果寻找两个项目在项目定位、营销推广、策略制订、圈层活动设计等方面的优势以及可改进的地方; 之后通过两个项目的对比分析,结合营销4R理论给出笔者对高端物业营销策略的建议:建立自己的品牌。通过各营销环节塑造品牌,并结合营销的动作实现品牌传播,使楼盘的知名度、美誉度以及营销口碑在市场上留存。在营销过程中以关注顾问购买的原因为核心要素,与客户形成良好的互动沟通,实现双赢。这也是高端楼盘尤其是体量较大的高端楼盘的必经之路。 最后,基于上述研究,就SAGA公司在高端物业的营销策略制订上给出以下建议:建立高端物业的品牌,通过挖掘项目核心竞争力,传递项目的差异化价值。从而塑造项目品牌,并使品牌化为项目销售服务。
[Abstract]:Since 1998, the allocation of housing has been cancelled and the mortgage of commercial housing has been started. The development of real estate has been 15 years since the land resources are non-renewable resources. This particularity also makes the land auction price of the real estate industry soar in recent years. This phenomenon of real estate also makes it the choice of many investment customers. At the same time. The requirements of house buyers are not limited to the concept of housing. And the product comfort, project planning is reasonable. However, the combination of high land price and high allocation products form the mainstream of urban high-end property (project configuration is higher, unit price is more than 40% of the average price of the city). The real estate market in Chengdu, in addition to the local real estate development enterprises, but also gathered a large number of first and second line brand developers, the major developers with high enthusiasm, but also developed a lot of high-end real estate. Chengdu people to bring more life and living to enjoy, but also in the competition for customer resources on the launch of 18 martial arts; In recent years, the marketing strategy of high-end property has been innovated in the field of real estate marketing. Through the analysis and research of the marketing strategy of two typical high-end real estate, the author tries to find the thinking of the marketing strategy of the high-end property. First of all, through the use of marketing macro-environment analysis GPEST). As well as Porter's five-force analysis model to analyze the internal and external environment of the enterprise SAGA. Find out the difficulties and present situation of SAGA in high-end property marketing strategy. And the impact of such a situation on enterprises and obstacles to development. Secondly, the current SAGA service Poly Conbridge and Palm Springs Fairmont two high-end projects in the marketing strategy at all levels of use. At the same time, the two projects in the marketing process of customer information collection data analysis, through the results of data analysis to find the two projects in the project positioning, marketing promotion, strategy formulation. The advantages of loop activity design and the place that can be improved; Then through the comparative analysis of the two projects, combined with the marketing 4R theory to give the author of high-end property marketing strategy advice: to establish their own brand, through the various marketing links to shape the brand. And the combination of marketing actions to achieve brand communication, so that the property awareness, reputation and marketing reputation in the market. In the marketing process to focus on the reasons for consultants to buy as the core element. Form good interaction and communication with customers to achieve win-win. This is also the only way to high-end buildings, especially the larger volume of high-end buildings. Finally, based on the above research, the author gives the following suggestions on the marketing strategy of high-end property: to establish the brand of high-end property and to tap the core competitiveness of the project. Transfer the differentiated value of the project, thus shaping the project brand, and brand for the project sales service.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 苏勇,陈小平;关系型营销渠道理论及实证研究[J];上海管理科学;2000年02期

2 阎建明;孙金花;施於人;;房地产企业市场营销渠道拓展与创新[J];商业时代;2012年20期




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