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发布时间:2018-01-03 18:22

  本文关键词:DCSD项目的经济评价与风险研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: DCSD 经济评价 风险研究 房地产开发项目

[Abstract]:In 2013, the total GDP of China was 568, 84.5 billion yuan, up 7. 7% over the previous year, of which, the investment in real estate development in the whole year was 86, 1.3 billion yuan. The total investment in real estate development accounted for 15.12% of the total GDP for the whole year. With the further development of the new urbanization and industrialization, the real estate industry also presents the situation of "overheating" of the regional real estate investment. The race to build a new city leads to the emergence of a large number of "ghost city". The root cause of the above phenomenon lies in the economic evaluation of the project and risk research is a formality. At the same time. The real estate industry and the market are facing unprecedented challenges. After more than 10 years of rapid development of the real estate industry. In the next decade, the speed of development will be adjusted. The adjustment of national macroeconomic policy and the demand of industrial transformation, the demand of people's livelihood housing, have led to the strict regulation and control of the real estate market. The real estate market has undergone subtle changes. Although the local government and local economy to a large extent have a strong dependence on real estate, but there is no denying that. The real estate industry is likely to enter a mature period. The real estate market will face the challenges of slowing down or stopping the market growth, declining profit margin, intensifying market competition and so on. Therefore, strengthen the economic evaluation and risk research work of the project. For the success or failure of real estate projects is of great significance. First, in the introduction part, this paper describes the project economic evaluation and risk management research status and significance of this paper. Describes the implementation process of the research object. The implementation process mainly includes the project expansion and demonstration phase, the project planning phase, the design phase, the construction / sales phase, the after-sales service phase and other five parts. Secondly. In the second chapter, this paper reviews the relevant theoretical results, which provides a theoretical basis for the project economic evaluation and risk research. Finally, this paper through field investigation, literature and case study method. According to the characteristics of the real estate project, this paper analyzes and evaluates the profitability, solvency and financial viability of the project in the part of economic evaluation of the project. In the risk research part of the project, the risk identification and risk analysis of the project are carried out, and on this basis. The economic evaluation and risk research based on DCSD project make the economic benefit and risk management of project investment achieve good results. For the development of similar projects to provide a good reference.


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