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发布时间:2018-01-03 20:07

  本文关键词:我国预告登记制度及实施 出处:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商品房预售 构建 预告登记

【摘要】:2007年,我国《物权法》明文规定了不动产预告登记制度,这是我国不动产市场发展的客观需要,该项制度为商品房在预售中的交易铺平了道路。这一制度的设立是我国物权法上的一大历史进步,但在我国的其他规范性法律文件中也分别规定了与预告登记制度极其类似的商品房预售合同登记备案制度,同时许多市、县城市在近几年又出台了类似的二手房网上登记备案制度。有学者认为,这三种登记制度有着本质的区别,不能混为一谈。但在现实的实施中,由于物权登记制度的混乱和不完善,行政机关无具体明确的法律规定加以执行,导致了许多买受人往往救济无门。 本文拟在论证预售合同登记备案制度和网上登记备案制度与预告登记制度三者在本质上是相同的,预售合同登记备案制度和网上登记备案制度只是预告登记制度的具体实施。本文指出预告登记制度是物权法中设立的一个好制度,有利于保护买卖双方的利益,但预告登记制度在实施中仍存在很多不足之处,立法上还应将条例上无具体规定的内容具体起来,超越预告登记制度的部分删除,不足的部分加以弥补,使预告登记的作用完全的发挥出来。此外,笔者还支持预告登记制度的实施,应支持意思自治优先,双方未约定的,则应按相关法律法规执行。 本文主要通过文献的参考,,以及相关预告登记制度的资料收集综合分析而成,对预告登记制度的理论研究和实践中出现的问题进行分析和并提出一些参考性的完善建议。 本文分三章。 第一章简要概述预告登记制度的相关理论,从预告登记的定义、特点以及性质来进行阐述。同时通过分析预告登记制度与本登记的区别来阐明预告登记制度存在的意义价值。 第二章主要阐述在我国房地产交易市场中存在的类预告登记现象。通过对预告登记制度在我国房地产交易实施现状的概述来了解一手房中的预售合同登记备案制度现状,并论证预售合同登记备案制度和预告登记制度的相同之处,提出两者在本质上是一样的概念。同时也在本章中介绍二手房交易中的网上登记备案制度并通过对比两者的共同之处来论证二手房中网上登记备案制度和预告登记制度在本质上也是一样的概念。 第三章主要介绍预告登记制度存在的缺陷,从制定的内容、实际的操作以及规定的范围等角度来阐述,并指出预告登记制度在实施中存在的问题,从登记的范围不明确、可行性不强问题、登记机关不统一问题来阐述。 在本章中还介绍预告登记制度与预售合同登记及网上登记备案制度三者的关系,从三者的区别说和统一说来展开,通过小结得出笔者的观点,支持统一说的优点以及批驳区别说所带来的不利影响。最后表明,三项登记制度是统一的,在本质上具有一致性。在本章的最后部分提出了构建符合中国国情的预告登记体系设想,并提出整合三项登记制度的建议,从三项登记制度的定位、统一登记机关、统一信息公开方式以及统一实施预告登记制度原则的角度出发,希望使预告登记制度与预售合同登记备案制度及网上登记备案制度能够更加密切,有效整合,更加有效、全面的保护买受人的权益。
[Abstract]:In 2007, China's "property law" expressly provides for real estate registration system, this is the objective need of the real estate market development in our country, this system paves the way for commercial housing in the pre-sale transactions. The establishment of this system is a historical progress of China's property law, but in our country the other normative legal documents also were provided for the filing system and notice registration system is similar to the commercial housing pre-sale contract registration at the same time, many city, county, city and the introduction of a similar second-hand housing online registration system in recent years. Some scholars believe that the three registration system is essentially the difference, can not be confused. But in the actual implementation, due to the confusion and property registration system is not perfect, the administrative organ has no specific legal provisions explicitly enforced, leading to a lot of buyers often without any kind of relief.
This paper intends to demonstrate the pre-sale contract registration system and on-line registration system and registration system three is the same in essence, the pre-sale contract registration system and on-line registration system is the specific implementation of notice registration system. This paper points out that the registration system is a good system set up in the real right law, is conducive to to protect the interests of buyers and sellers, but the registration system in the implementation of many deficiencies still exist in legislation, regulations should also be no specific provisions on the specific content, beyond the registration system to delete the insufficient part of the make up, make the registration function completely developed. In addition, the author also support the implementation of notice of the registration system, should support the autonomy of priority, the two sides have not agreed, it should be according to the relevant laws and regulations.
This article mainly through the literature reference, as well as the relevant prediction registration system data collection and comprehensive analysis, analyzes the problems in the theoretical research and practice of the prediction registration system, and puts forward some reference suggestions for improvement.
This article is divided into three chapters.
The first chapter briefly introduces the related theories of the notice registration system, and expounds the definition, characteristics and nature of the notice registration. At the same time, it explains the significance and value of the prediction registration system by analyzing the difference between the notice registration system and the registration.
The second chapter mainly expounds the existing in China's real estate market in the class registration. Through an overview of the status of implementation in our country real estate transaction notice of the registration system to hand in the pre-sale contract registration system, and demonstrates the similarities of pre-sale contract registration system registration and filing system, put forward the is the same concept in nature. Also in this chapter introduces the online registration system in the second-hand housing transactions and the concept of common compared to demonstrate the second-hand housing online registration system and notice registration system is the same in essence.
The third chapter mainly introduces the advance notice registration system has defects, from the formulation of the content, the actual operation and the provisions of the scope of aspects, and points out that the registration system the problems existing in the implementation, from the scope of registration is not clear, the feasibility is not strong, the registration authority is not unified to elaborate.
This chapter also introduces the relationship between the registration system and the pre-sale contract registration and online registration system of the three, and the difference from the unity of the three to start, the author's view through the summary of advantages support unified said and criticizing the negative impact caused by the difference. Finally, the registration system is three unified and consistent in nature. In the last part of this chapter puts forward the idea of establishing the registration system in accordance with the Chinese conditions, and put forward the integration of the three registration system, from the three location registration system, unified registration authority, unified information open and unified registration system implementation principle perspective and hope to make the registration system and the pre-sale contract registration system and online registration system will be more closely, effective integration, more effective, comprehensive protection of the buyer's rights and interests.



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1 贾慧姝;;论我国预告登记制度立法之完善[J];中国房地产;2008年01期

2 韩连发;;预告登记与商品房预售登记备案探析[J];辽宁经济;2008年12期




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