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发布时间:2018-01-04 03:04

  本文关键词:北京鼎轩基业西山汇项目营销战略研究 出处:《哈尔滨理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 西山汇项目 战略营销 SWOT

【摘要】:本论文以北京中关村科技园石景山园北2区,即鼎轩基业“西山汇”项目,作者以亲自参与开发建设的这一高端商业物业作为研究对象,面对当前政策和市场的双重压力,剩余四分之一产品销售受阻,受企业委托提出战略调整方案。通过具体分析,提出创新的营销战略。从过去和现有的推销、销售走向自持物业,“楼宇经济”型的发展道路,以求如期完成租售目标,为即将开发建设的70万平米的北1区的营销打下坚实的基础,并使项目永续经营下去。 本文所阐述的营销观点,是运用了市场营销学的专业理论知识,通过对北京石景山区中关村科技园,对北京市及全国房地产客观形势进行分析,并对北京鼎轩基业科技公司和该公司承建的西山汇项目所表现的企业项目内部微观环境充分研究之后所提出的。 论文回顾并展望了国内外房地产营销理论的产生和发展,确立了论文的研究方法和技术路线;运用了SWOT和STP理论及方法,分析西山汇项目部的项目定位、产品定位、目标定位、识别竞争者等,从而确立该项目营销的差异化战略,并根据营销战略目标的需要,积极创造差异化,用较低成本对产品的户型风格、目标客户选择,物业个性化服务等调整,同时,又实施一系列保障措施,,以确保营销战略的执行并最终实现目标。论文还从产品、价格、推广和促销策略等方面进行深度策划和研究,以期对整个营销活动有一定的实践意义。
[Abstract]:This paper takes Beijing Zhongguancun Science Park Shijingshan Park North District 2, namely "Xishan greentop foundation sink project, the author personally involved in the development and construction of the high-end commercial property as the research object, facing the double pressure of current policy and market, the remaining 1/4 product sales blocked, commissioned by the enterprise put forward the strategic adjustment plan. Through the concrete analysis and put forward an innovative marketing strategy. From the past and existing sales, sales to a self-sustaining property development path of" building the economy ", in order to complete sales target, a solid foundation for the development of the construction will be 700 thousand square meters of 1 districts in the north of marketing, and make the project sustainable management.
This paper expounds the marketing point of view, is a professional theoretical knowledge of marketing, through to the Beijing Shijingshan District Zhongguancun science and Technology Park of Beijing city and the national real estate situation analysis, proposed after fully study and on the construction of Beijing greentop foundation technology company and the company's performance of the project Department of Xishan enterprise project micro environment.
The review and prospect the emergence and development of domestic and foreign real estate marketing theory, established the research methods and technique route; using SWOT and STP theory and methods, project positioning, analysis of the Xishan Exchange Department of the project product positioning, target location, identification of competitors, so as to establish the differentiation strategy of the marketing project. According to the requirement of marketing strategy, and actively create differences, with lower cost of the product style apartment layout target customer selection, personalized service, property adjustment, and at the same time, the implementation of a series of security measures, to ensure the execution of marketing strategy and to achieve the ultimate goal. The paper also from the product, price, promotion and promotion strategy and other aspects of deep planning and research, so as to have certain practical significance for the whole marketing activities.



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