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发布时间:2018-01-04 02:30

  本文关键词:佛山YY绿洲房地产项目商业计划书 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业计划书 战略管理 定位 市场营销

【摘要】:2008年美国的次贷危机,2010年的欧洲主权债务危机等大规模经济波动事件,在全球化的大环境下,国内的经济发展处于内外交困的时期,政府为确保国民经济正常运转和防范金融体系边际安全风险,国家对房地产业实施严格的调控措施,收紧银根,市场处于政府、开发商、消费者等多方博弈胶着状态,消费者观望情绪浓厚,市场交易暗淡,房地产业进入深度调整和漫长复苏期,企业如何获得竞争优势在激烈竞争市场中以求生存,项目开发成功与否决定企业生存与否的关键因素。 本文以佛山YY绿洲项目为研究对象,佛山YY绿洲项目位于佛山市南海区大沥镇,总占地面积约24.8万m2,总建筑面积约34.8万m2,本文按商业计划书的要求,运用已学的相关理论,,采用文献法、定性、定量、同类项目类比法等分析方法,分析论证了项目宏观环境、市场需求和细分、产品定位、资金来源和运用、管理团队能力分析和项目开发风险等关键要素。通过本文研究分析,分析房地产业宏观环境,深入了解产业发展动态和趋势;分析项目所在区域宏观环境,剖析区域经济发展状况,对区域市场进行细分,分析区域消费群消费动机、消费能力,细分客户,确定项目的目标客户、销售渠道和策略;通过对区域内客户需求和竞争对手分析,精准定位项目产品;选择有利开发时机和规模,按产品合理配比原则分期开发;寻找有效传播途径和销售策略,提升去化能力;通过对项目地块的swot分析,扬长避短,制定项目规划设计理念和后期“社区生活服务”理念的导入;通过对项目的财务分析,项目资产收益率为20.78%,高于行业16%平均水平,动态投资回收期为7.16年,静态投资回收期为6.94年,高于行业平均10年回收期,项目资金需求总投资约为27.5亿,计划在六年内完成项目开发,经测算项目最大资金需求约为113848.39万元,土地成本和项目前期费用为公司的自有资金约6亿元,项目开发工程资金缺口为约5亿元;对项目敏感性和盈余平衡分析,得出项目利润来源点和盈余平衡点,提升项目盈利能力;通过对项目风险分析,制定项目应对策略,提高项目抗风险能力。 通过本文研究得出项目为可行项目的结论,传递给投资人有利的投资决策信息,影响投资决策向有利方向发展,获取成本合理的筹资方案,满足融资需求和拓宽融资渠道。排除不可行项,强化可行项,为项目未来经营管理、风险防范等提供决策依据。
[Abstract]:In 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010 and other large-scale economic fluctuations, in the context of globalization, domestic economic development is in a period of domestic and diplomatic difficulties. In order to ensure the normal operation of the national economy and guard against the marginal security risks of the financial system, the government implements strict control measures on the real estate industry, tightens the money, and the market is in the government and developers. Consumer and other multi-game glue state, consumer wait-and-see mood is strong, the market transaction is dim, the real estate industry enters the deep adjustment and the long recovery period, how to obtain the competitive advantage in the fierce competition market to survive. The success of the project development determines the survival of the key factors. This paper takes Foshan YY Oasis Project as the research object, Foshan YY Oasis Project is located in Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City. The total area is about 248,000 m2 and the total building area is about 348,000 m2. According to the requirements of the business plan, using the relevant theories, using the literature method, qualitative, quantitative, similar project analogy analysis methods, analysis and demonstration of the project macro environment, market demand and subdivision. Product positioning, fund source and application, management team ability analysis and project development risk, etc. Through the research and analysis of this paper, the macro environment of real estate industry is analyzed, and the trends and trends of industry development are deeply understood. Analysis of the project in the regional macro environment, analysis of regional economic development, regional market segmentation, analysis of regional consumer motivation, consumer power, subdivision of customers, determine the project's target customers. Sales channels and strategies; Through the analysis of customer needs and competitors in the region, accurately positioning the project products; Choose favorable development opportunity and scale, according to the principle of reasonable product proportion in stages; To find effective communication channels and sales strategies to improve the ability to devitalize; Through the swot analysis of the project land, the author formulates the concept of project planning and design and the concept of "community life service" in the later stage. Through the financial analysis of the project, the return rate of project assets is 20.78, which is higher than the industry average level of 16%, the dynamic investment payback period is 7.16 years, and the static investment payback period is 6.94 years. Higher than the industry average 10 years payback period, the total investment of project capital demand is about 2.75 billion, the project development is planned to be completed in six years, the maximum capital demand of the project is estimated to be about one billion one hundred and thirty-eight million four hundred and eighty-three thousand and nine hundred yuan. The land cost and the pre-project cost are about 600 million yuan of the company's own capital, and the fund gap of the project development project is about 500 million yuan; Based on the analysis of project sensitivity and earnings balance, the profit source point and profit balance point are obtained to improve the profitability of the project. Through the project risk analysis, formulate the project response strategy, improve the project risk-resistant ability. Through the study of the conclusion that the project is a feasible project, transfer to investors favorable investment decision information, affect the investment decision to a favorable direction, access to a reasonable cost of financing scheme. To meet the financing demand and broaden the financing channel, to eliminate the infeasible items, to strengthen the feasible items, to provide the decision basis for the future management and risk prevention of the project.


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