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  本文关键词:我国商业银行理财产品风险研究 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业银行 理财产品 风险

【摘要】:2010年以来,由于政府对房地产市场进行宏观调控的效果日趋明显,加之股票投资市场的持续低迷,使得广大的投资者开始将目光转移至原本并未过多涉足的银行理财产品市场。应对这种局面,国内各大商业银行开始积极投身到拓展理财产品的业务上来,各种类型的理财产品层出不穷,近两年理财产品的发售数量较之以往出现“井喷”式增长态势。但是,由于我国商业银行开展理财产品业务的时间不长,对银行理财产品的理论缺乏系统的研究,尤其是对于不同类型理财产品的运行机制没有权威的界定,这就导致我国商业银行在开展理财业务面临的风险存在很大的不确定性。而纵观全球,欧美很多国家的商业银行早在2008年美国次贷危机之后就开始对理财产品运行机制的安全性和理财业务背后基础资产的优质性进行普遍关注。因此,我国商业银行在追求理财产品规模飞速发展的同时,更应该加强对理财产品运行机制安全性和创新性的重视,特别是应该对在提高收益稳定性的同时如何有效降低投资者所承担风险等方面给予系统研究。这对于我国商业银行理财产品业务实现从起步走向成熟尤为关键。 本文主要包括以下几个方面内容: 第一章主要是对本文的选题背景进行阐述,并明确了选题意义。在对国内外研究现状分析的基础上,总结出本文的研究思路和研究价值。 第二章是就商业银行理财产品的相关概念进行阐述。先是从理财产品的涵义入手,然后按照产品收益类型和是否进行结构化分级对银行理财产品的类型进行了划分,同时论述了信托型理财产品这一市场主流产品。在此基础上,对国内商业银行理财产品业务开展的现状进行系统分析。 第三章是就我国商业银行理财产品的发展历程进行回顾,并在此基础上对信托型、股票型和票据型等三种不同类型理财产品的运行机制进行阐述,分析出其运行过程中可能存在的风险。 第四章是本文的核心,本章利用马克维兹模型从监管过程、产品设计、市场运作和投资者角度等不同层面对我国商业银行开展理财产品业务所面临的风险进行系统分析。 第五章是建立在上述风险分析的基础上,从政策层面、监管层面和机构层面等三个角度对我国商业银行开展理财产品业务如何防控风险提出改善意见和相关对策,这也是本章的特色所在。 随着金融市场的纵深发展,我国个人理财业务拥有巨大的发展空间,商业银行个人理财产品业务已经成为各大商业银行盈利的主要来源。本文通过对银行理财产品风险特征和运行机制的研究,旨在方便国内投资者对理财产品进行合理选择,同时也为促进我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展提供理论支撑。
[Abstract]:Since 2010, the effect of government macro-control on the real estate market has become more and more obvious, and the stock investment market continues to be depressed. So that the majority of investors began to focus on the original not too much involvement in the banking financial products market. In response to this situation, domestic commercial banks began to actively engage in the expansion of financial products business. Various types of financial products emerge in endlessly. In the past two years, the number of financial products sold has a "blowout" growth trend. However, due to the commercial banks in China, the business of financial products is not long. There is a lack of systematic research on the theory of banking products, especially the lack of authoritative definition of the operation mechanism of different types of financial products. This leads to great uncertainty about the risks faced by Chinese commercial banks in carrying out financial management business. Many commercial banks in Europe and the United States began to pay attention to the security of financial management product operation mechanism and the quality of basic assets behind financial management business as early as 2008 after the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. While pursuing the rapid development of financial management products, Chinese commercial banks should pay more attention to the security and innovation of financial management products. In particular, it is necessary to give a systematic study on how to effectively reduce the risks borne by investors while improving the stability of returns, which is particularly critical for the realization of financial products business of commercial banks in China from the start to maturity. This paper mainly includes the following aspects: The first chapter is mainly about the background of this paper and the significance of the topic. On the basis of the analysis of the current research situation at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the research ideas and research value. The second chapter is the commercial bank financial products related to the concept, first from the meaning of financial products. Then according to the product income type and whether to carry on the structured classification to the bank financial management product type has carried on the division, has discussed the trust type financial management product at the same time this market mainstream product. On this basis. This paper systematically analyzes the present situation of domestic commercial banks' financial products business. The third chapter is a review of the development of financial products of commercial banks in China, and on the basis of this, the operation mechanism of three different types of financial products, such as trust type, stock type and bill type, is expounded. The possible risks in the process of operation are analyzed. Chapter 4th is the core of this paper, this chapter uses the Markowitz model from the regulatory process, product design. This paper systematically analyzes the risks faced by Chinese commercial banks in carrying out financial products business from different aspects, such as market operation and investor's perspective. Chapter 5th is based on the above risk analysis, from the policy level. From the aspects of supervision and organization, this paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures on how to prevent and control the risks of the financial products business of commercial banks in China, which is also the characteristic of this chapter. With the deep development of financial market, personal finance business in China has a huge development space. Personal financial product business of commercial banks has become the main source of profits of commercial banks. This paper studies the risk characteristics and operational mechanism of banking financial products. The purpose is to facilitate domestic investors to make reasonable choice of financial products and to provide theoretical support for the development of personal finance business of commercial banks in China.


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1 张旭;;我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展对策研究[J];长春大学学报;2009年05期

2 肖北溟;;国内商业银行个人金融产品若干问题研究[J];金融论坛;2008年01期

3 周国林;;转轨时期我国金融产品创新的制约因素分析[J];南方金融;2008年12期

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5 刘博;;从利率市场化改革论商业银行个人理财产品创新[J];经营管理者;2009年01期

6 吴蓓;;人民币理财产品与我国利率市场化进程[J];消费导刊;2007年02期

7 李东卫;;我国商业银行理财产品:发展趋势、风险及对策[J];广西金融研究;2008年07期

8 黄春铃;;2011~2012年商业银行理财业务发展分析[J];银行家;2012年02期

9 陈晖;;监管力度逐渐增强下的银行理财市场发展[J];银行家;2011年12期

10 侯蕴涵;;美国商业银行个人理财业务发展对我国的启示[J];黑龙江金融;2010年12期

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2 赵金霞;商业银行人民币理财产品市场风险管理研究[D];云南财经大学;2011年

3 乔嘉麒;商业银行理财产品收益风险比较研究[D];复旦大学;2009年

4 崔强;触发类银行理财产品定价研究[D];浙江工商大学;2008年




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