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发布时间:2018-01-04 11:24

  本文关键词:我国主要城市的房地产泡沫研究 出处:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 主要城市 房地产泡沫 简单指标法

[Abstract]:Since the housing system reform, the real estate industry in China has developed rapidly, which has led to the development of many related industries, solved a large number of employment, and improved the living environment of the city. But then came rising house prices, which were beyond the ability of ordinary residents to buy, leading to a series of social problems. The whole society has also aroused the concern of the whole society. The whole society is discussing the existence of the real estate bubble or not, and at the same time, the adjustment and control measures have been introduced gradually, but the housing prices are higher and higher. In this context, the real estate market in China is studied and analyzed. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to measure whether there is a bubble and put forward some policy suggestions for China's real estate market. This paper is based on the current situation of China's real estate market and the merits and demerits of the method of measuring the real estate bubble. It is decided to adopt three indicators (the ratio of house price to income, the ratio of total investment in real estate development and GDP growth rate). The ratio of the sale area of the commercial housing to the completed area of the house is taken as the index of bubble measurement in this paper. The index value of the calendar year is calculated according to the statistical data of the past years. Using the index value to measure the overall real estate market. The results of this paper show that there are different degrees of bubbles in the whole real estate in recent years. In order to make the study of this paper more practical significance, the main cities of our country are divided into three categories: Agni Bang C. This classification is mainly based on the level of economic development of the city. Three types of cities had different degrees of bubbles in 2005-2010, but after 2010, the real estate market of A and B cities was healthy and did not have a bubble. There is still a bubble in the real estate market of class C. according to the national conditions of our country, this paper analyzes the causes of the bubble in the real estate market from three aspects: market factor, institutional factor and social factor. And according to the national conditions of our country put forward policy recommendations, these policy recommendations related to land transfer system reform, tax reform, indemnificatory apartment system improvement, financial supervision, investment channels to expand. The suppression of excess liquidity. It is hoped that the research and analysis of the real estate bubble in the whole real estate market and the real estate bubble in the major cities in this paper and the policy suggestions can help maintain the healthy development of the real estate industry and restrain the real estate industry. Bubbles play a role.


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