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发布时间:2018-01-04 19:14

  本文关键词:房地产企业多项目管理体系构建及评价研究 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 多项目管理 组织结构 运营体系 层次分析法 模糊综合评价

【摘要】:伴随着持续宏观调控政策的出台,我国房地产市场竞争日益加剧,房企依靠土地储备坐享增值收益的粗放型经营路线已经逐渐被崇尚管理增值的高周转、滚动开发模式所取代。作为置身于典型项目导向型行业的房地产企业能否在同一时间同时运作多个处于不同城市、不同开发周期的项目,成为考核快速扩张型房地产企业管理水平的重要指标。 而多项目管理组织体系的优化、不同发展阶段地区公司管控模式正确抉择以及多项目管理体系的落地执行都成为企业快速发展过程中必须磨练的基本功。因此,从市场及行业发展的角度出发,对于房地产企业多项目管理体系及其评价模型的研究具有极强的现实意义和应用价值。 首先,文章对多项目管理的基本理论进行深入分析,并将多项目管理和传统项目管理的内容进行了比较。通过论述房地产企业多项目管理的含义和管理模型,文章提出在多项目管理的组织支持机构——PMO项目管理办公室的理论基础之上,构建适合房地产企业多项目管理组织架构的思路。 接着,文章从房地产企业多项目管理组织保障、会议体系、计划管理体系、阶段性成果及日常管理、投资收益跟踪管理、知识管理六大维度出发,构建房地产企业多项目管理运营体系。 最后,文章通过文献查阅、企业实践、管理人员及专家调研等途径,运用层次分析法、模糊综合评价法构建了房地产企业多项目管理评价指标体系和评价模型。并针对典型案例对象运用此模型进行实证分析,验证了模型的适用性。
[Abstract]:With the introduction of sustained macro-control policies, the real estate market competition in China is increasingly intensified, housing enterprises rely on land reserves to enjoy value-added income of the extensive business line has gradually been advocated management value-added high turnover. As a typical project-oriented industry, the real estate enterprises can operate multiple projects in different cities and different development cycles at the same time. It has become an important index to assess the management level of rapidly expanding real estate enterprises. And the optimization of multi-project management organization system. The correct choice of regional management and control mode and the implementation of multi-project management system in different stages of development have become the basic skills that must be honed in the process of rapid development of enterprises. Therefore, from the perspective of market and industry development. The research on the multi-project management system and its evaluation model of real estate enterprises is of great practical significance and application value. First of all, the basic theory of multi-project management is deeply analyzed, and the content of multi-project management and traditional project management are compared. The meaning and management model of multi-project management in real estate enterprises are discussed. On the basis of the theory of PMO project management office, this paper puts forward the idea of constructing a suitable organization structure for multi-project management in real estate enterprises. Then, the article from the real estate enterprise multi-project management organization security, meeting system, planning management system, phased results and daily management, investment income tracking management, knowledge management six dimensions. Build real estate enterprise multi-project management operation system. Finally, the article through literature review, enterprise practice, management and expert research and other ways, the use of Analytic hierarchy process. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to construct the evaluation index system and evaluation model of multi-project management in real estate enterprises, and the model is used to analyze the typical cases, and the applicability of the model is verified.


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5 郭,




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