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发布时间:2018-01-04 23:33

  本文关键词:小区停车服务垄断行为法律规制探讨 出处:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 小区停车服务 垄断行为 法律规制

[Abstract]:There is a natural monopoly in parking service in residential areas, which is not to blame. However, some businesses take monopoly behavior, harm the interests of the owners of residential areas, sort out the reasons and improve the means of legal regulation. In order to promote the construction of fair and just market order of the rule of law, the six chapters of this paper are carried out according to the following framework: first, define the basic concepts of "residential parking space". And demonstrates the existence of reasonable natural monopoly in parking service; Secondly, it analyzes the reasons for the widespread monopoly behavior in reality. Finally, I try to put forward the solution of legal regulation. The introduction describes the background of this paper. The second chapter defines the concept of the research. The parking spaces in this paper refer to the parking spaces with independent property rights that are owned by the developers and not sold with the main project. The concept of "monopoly behavior" in this paper is also larger than the "monopoly behavior" stipulated in the Anti-Monopoly Law. Chapter three analyzes that parking spaces in residential areas have the property of public goods. And demonstrates that parking service in residential areas has the nature of natural monopoly. 4th. Chapter 5th analyzes the monopoly behavior of relevant market subjects and the effect of restricting competition. Chapter 4th further analyzes the monopoly behavior of real estate developers and property management enterprises. Among them, hoarding and hoarding is typical. Its specific criteria include selling at an obviously unfair high price, refusing to rent, deliberately idle, and so on. But this article thinks that this kind of behavior is difficult to apply to the anti-monopoly law. 5th chapter analyzes some other phenomena that encourage monopoly behavior, mainly including the random sale of parking spaces. Chapter 6th aims at how to regulate the above violation of fair competition outside the Anti-monopoly Law, on the basis of analyzing the defects of the existing laws. This paper puts forward a series of legal measures to regulate the monopolistic behavior of parking service in residential areas.


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