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发布时间:2018-01-05 11:12

  本文关键词:文化大发展背景下的天津居住区景观设计 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文化发展 居住文化 风水文化 城市地域文化 居住区景观 生态自然 以人为本

【摘要】:随着现代化城市建设步伐的加快,居住区规划和居住区景观设计渐渐成为了衡量一个城市建设发展水平的重要参考标准。改革开放以来,,党和国家高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,大力推行文化改革与文化发展政策,特别是党的十八次全国代表大会明确指出,要扎实推进社会主义文化强国建设,在社会主义核心价值观的积极引导下,充分吸收几千年传统文明成果和一切人类优秀文化遗产所形成的社会共识和理念,发挥民族文化优势,兼容并包、取长补短,加速推动我国文化软实力建设。当代居住区景观设计正是在这种文化大发展背景下逐步以生态自然为基础、以人作为核心来进行综合考虑的。特别是在住宅地产业如日中天的当今时代,如何在居住区景观设计的过程中落实以人为本,通过清新优雅、生态适宜的居住区自然环境来博得消费者的钟爱,也逐渐成了各大房地产开发商所关注的重要问题。相比于温馨舒适的住宅室内空间和造型新颖的住宅楼外部样式,居住区的室外景观设计更能对营造城市生态自然环境,响应当今文化大发展要求起到举足轻重的作用。 本篇论文将以文化发展作为大背景,通过分析人与文化密不可分的关系,以文化坐标轴理论来了解文化的内在概念,从而建立文化与景观设计,特别是文化与居住区景观设计的联系。再通过分析当代文化影响下的居住文化、风水文化、和城市地域文化的情况。对现代居住区景观设计提出符合文化时代要求的新思路,并建立当今文化发展背景下,人们认识景观环境、改造景观环境的指导方法。在此基础上,结合天津市在文化发展和居住区景观建设、改造等方面的历史。以天津市20世纪末所建设的居住区作为调研对象,深入了解各个居住小区在景观设计上的不足,并与天津当代文化影响下的居住区景观案例进行对比分析。从而勾勒出天津市居住区景观在文化发展影响下的延续脉络和现存状况。最终,通过分析居住文化、风水文化、城市地域文化与住区景观这四者之间的联系,得到一条既顺应居住文化要求、也符合风水文化传统,以自身民族文化为特色,以天津地域文化为特点,又能够指导天津城市居住区景观在顺应文化大发展背景下,以人为本的生态可持续设计准则。
[Abstract]:With the pace of city modernization accelerated, residential planning and residential landscape design has become an important reference standard to measure a city construction development. Since the reform and opening up, the great banner of socialism China party and state holding, vigorously promote cultural reform and development policy of culture, especially in the eighteen National Congress of the CPC clearly pointed out that to push forward the construction of socialist culture and power, to actively guide the socialist core values, to fully absorb the traditional civilization for thousands of years and all human outstanding cultural heritage by the formation of social consensus and ideas, give full play to the advantages of national culture, promote each other, absorb anything and everything, our cultural soft power construction of contemporary residential landscape. The design is in the background of great development of this culture gradually to the natural ecological basis, taking people as the core to fully Considering. Especially in today's era of housing industry very influential, how to implement the people-oriented in the process of residential landscape design, through fresh and elegant, suitable ecological residential environment to win consumer favorite, has gradually become an important problem of developers focus on the real estate. Compared to the residential indoor warm and comfortable space and other new residential buildings external style, outdoor landscape design of residential area can be more of a city's ecological environment, response to today's cultural development plays an important role.
This paper will take the cultural development as the background, through analyzing the relationship between the people and culture are inseparable, to understand the inherent concept of culture to culture axis theory, so as to establish the culture and landscape design, especially cultural associations and residential landscape design. Through the analysis of contemporary culture under the influence of Fengshui culture, living culture city and regional culture. This accords with the demands of the era of new ideas and cultural landscape design of modern residential area, and the establishment of modern culture under the background of the development of people's understanding of the landscape environment, guiding methods for the transformation of landscape environment. On this basis, combined with the city of Tianjin in the cultural development and residential landscape construction, renovation and other aspects of history. In the residential area at the end of twentieth Century the construction of Tianjin city as the research object, lack of in-depth understanding of various residential area in landscape design, and with the Tianjin contemporary culture under the influence of Residential landscape cases were analyzed. The outline of the continuation of Tianjin city residential landscape in the context of cultural development under the influence and the present condition. Finally, through the analysis of the living culture, Fengshui culture, regional culture and between the city residential landscape of the four links, get a living culture which conform to the requirements, also meet the feng shui the traditional culture, with its own national culture, to Tianjin regional culture characteristics, and can guide the Tianjin city residential landscape in response to cultural development under the background of ecological sustainable design principles of people-oriented.



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