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发布时间:2018-01-05 13:20

  本文关键词:北京兆泰置地房产营销管理系统的设计与实现 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房产营销管理 软件工程 JAVA MVC ORACLE

【摘要】:市场经济的不断完善和发展,要求房地产开发商成为自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束,自我发展的生产者和经营者。要实现这样的目标,必然要求开发商尽可能开发出品质优良、价格合理且适销对路的商品房,并努力把该物业销售出去,以取得良好的经济效益。为此开发商不但要做好开发工作,更重要的是要研究房地产市场,了解消费者需求,按照消费者的意愿来进行产品开发和销售。由此,房地产市场营销的研究自然成为房地产开发经营活动中的一个重要组成部分。近期,北京兆泰置地公司领导通过多方面研究,结合现代化的管理手段,以计算机技术为依托设计和研发了房产营销管理系统,可以快速有效的完成房产营销的管理工作 本文的设计是根据系统的设计流程进行的,从编写系统的开发背景入手,描述了设计此系统的根本目的,然后对系统的研究现状进行了描述,了解了系统的基本状况。然后对用户的使用需求进行了详细的整理和分析,通过软件工程技术对系统的整体功能进行了合理的划分,然后对每个模块给出了用例描述,加深了对系统功能的描述。然后进行了系统的设计,首先给出了系统的技术架构设计,描述了系统的实现技术,本系统主要运用了JAVA语言构建了J2EE的三层架构模式,然后对各个功能模块进行了详细类功能描述,设计了详细的功能类图,明确了功能实现流程,并设计了系统时序图,然后对系统数据库进行了设计。最后对系统的整体实现和测试过程进行了分析与描述,对系统实现效果图进行了展示,并给出了系统功能实现代码。对系统的整体测试进行了描述,对测试结果进行了公布,修改了系统测试过程中出现的问题。 本文对北京兆泰置地房产营销管理系统在功能方面主要分成了五个重要模块。即基础数据管理:介绍了系统对于相关信息的维护,满足了管理人员的具体需要;房产数据管理:对各个房产数据进行全面系统的管理;营销活动管理:主要是方便管理人员对营销活动的维护;营销工具管理:实现对各类营销工具的管理;统计报表:实现对各类报表的管理。 系统的部署以及运行基本满足了房产营销管理工作的需求,实现了房产营销工作的高效处理,,使大量数据的处理工作变得较为简单,减小了工作人员的负担,提高了工作效率,并为房产营销管理工作提供重要的参照数据。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement and development of market economy, real estate developers are required to become producers and operators who are self-managed, self-responsible, self-restrained and self-developing. It is necessary for developers to develop commercial houses of good quality, reasonable price and marketable ones as far as possible, and try to sell the property to obtain good economic benefits. Therefore, developers should not only do a good job of development. More important is to study the real estate market, understand consumer demand, according to the wishes of consumers to carry out product development and sales. The study of real estate marketing has naturally become an important part of the real estate development and management activities. Recently, the leaders of Beijing Zhaotai Land Company have combined the modern management means through many aspects of research. Based on computer technology, a real estate marketing management system is designed and developed, which can complete the management of real estate marketing quickly and effectively. The design of this paper is based on the design process of the system, starting with the background of writing the system, describes the basic purpose of designing the system, and then describes the current research situation of the system. Understand the basic status of the system. Then the user's needs are sorted out and analyzed in detail, and the overall function of the system is divided reasonably through software engineering technology. Then the use case description of each module is given, which deepens the description of the system function. Then the system design is carried out. First, the technical architecture design of the system is given, and the implementation technology of the system is described. This system mainly uses the JAVA language to construct the J2EE three-tier architecture pattern, then carries on the detailed class function description to each function module, has designed the detailed function class diagram, has clarified the function realization flow. The system timing diagram is designed, and then the system database is designed. Finally, the overall implementation and testing process of the system are analyzed and described, and the system implementation effect diagram is shown. The whole test of the system is described, the test results are published, and the problems in the process of system testing are corrected. This paper divides the real estate marketing management system of Beijing Zhaotai Land into five important modules: basic data management: introduces the maintenance of the system for related information. Meet the specific needs of managers; Real estate data management: the comprehensive and systematic management of each real estate data; Marketing activity management: mainly is to facilitate the management personnel to the marketing activity maintenance; Management of marketing tools: realize the management of all kinds of marketing tools; Statistical report: to achieve the management of all kinds of reports. The deployment and operation of the system basically meet the needs of the real estate marketing management, realize the efficient processing of the real estate marketing work, make the processing of a large number of data easier and reduce the burden of the staff. Improve working efficiency and provide important reference data for real estate marketing management.


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