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发布时间:2018-01-05 18:20

  本文关键词:商业银行房地产信贷法律风险及防范对策研究 出处:《江西财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产信贷 次贷危机 法律风险

【摘要】:美国在2008年爆发的次贷危机波及全球,对世界各国的经济都造成了不同程度的影响。同时,各国银行对房地产信贷危机发出了警报。美国的次级信贷业务原本是件好事,其目的是为了给那些信用等级较低或者收入不高的人群提供贷款,为他们实现拥有住房的梦想,同时也能促进美国经济的发展。在美国,20%的新增家庭住房借助于次级贷款,自从危机爆发后,美国政府和美联储多次联手救市,但是对房地产市场的作用几乎不大。我国房地产信贷问题研究起步较晚,其主要侧重于商业银行房地产信贷风险的分类、识别和产生原因的基础研究层面。相比较而言,国外的金融市场次级信贷业务起步的早,对房地产次贷问题的研究都十分的系统化,其在对风险的操控方式上已有了较为完善的理论和风险评估体系。目前,房地产业俨然成为我国国民经济的一个重要的产业链,涵盖范围广泛,其每增加1个单位产值即可带动所有产业增加1.416个单位产值。其中,可带动金融保险业增加0.145个单位产值,这不仅说明了房地产行业的发展促进金融保险业的发展,同时也揭示了中国房地产业与银行业是一个相互高度依存的行业。所以对我国商业银行房地产信贷风险的法律研究是极具现实意义的。 由于近年来我国房地产投资规模的极具膨胀,导致我国商品房住房价格不断增长,中国虽然没有次级贷款市场,但是中国的房地产行业有类似美国次级贷款的层面。在中国,有许多人渴望通过投资房地产来获取财富,商业银行在房地产行业扮演着重要的角色。在各种利益的驱使之下,全国各地的商业银行都绞尽脑汁,用尽各种办法去吸引人们借贷买房。我国政府出台了许多宏观调控政策来稳定房地产市场的良性发展。从经济法的研究角度来看,,我国政府对房地产市场必须要进行适当的干预,但是又不能过度的干预,因为政府过多的插手房地产市场,很大程度上会损害房地产市场的活力,这就要求政府要严格的把握干预房地产市场的程度和力度,不要损害经济的发展。政府理应积极推动企业进行股票融资,发展房地产投资信托基金,研究开发金融衍生产品,加快房地产抵押贷款证券化,完善我国房地产金融法律体系。 银行对房地产市场的信贷是房地产发展的主要资金来源,个人按揭住房贷款也来自银行,商业银行对房地产市场的信贷也使其承担了很大的风险。房地产信贷业务不同于其他业务,它具有个人借贷金额不大但总体业务量多、借贷周期长等特点。而对房地产开发商的借贷则具有价值波动大、风险大等特点。而两者共同的特点是流动性差,而且在某些条件下两者会相互转化。因此对商业银行房地产业务的风险防范法律问题的研究很有必要。随着国家越来越重视对房地产市场的宏观调控,商业银行应该从外部的政策风险和内部的管理风险来防范房地产市场可能对其带来的危机。商业银行也因当完善信贷风险管理制度、拓展融资渠道、分散风险转移三个方面来采取相应的措施。本文先从信贷风险的机理及房地产信贷风险的特殊性入手,对我国房地产信贷的现状及风险作出分析,然后通过对比美国房地产信贷风险调控机制,来完善我国商业银行房地产信贷风险的法律防范体系的建设。 通过综合分析,本文得出的结论是房地产信贷已经面临着各种风险,我国政府必须及时的出台相关的法律法规来完善房地产市场的运行。着力从经济法的层面加强国家对房地产市场的宏观调控。商业银行在对房地产市场开展信贷业务时要高度重视可能带来的风险和危害性,逐步建立以充分控制房地产信贷风险为目标的经营管理模式。从规范操作、降低风险、保障运行出发,合理扩展房地产信贷规模,有步骤地推进房地产融资向多元化、标准化、优质化方向发展,让房地产信贷业务步入良好的经营管理轨道。
[Abstract]:The United States swept the world in the 2008 outbreak of the subprime crisis, the world economy has caused different effects. At the same time, the bank issued a warning of the real estate credit crisis. The U. S. sub-prime loan business originally is a good thing, its purpose is to give the credit level is low or high income population loans for them to realize the dream of homeownership, but also can promote the economic development of the United States. In the United States, 20% of the new homes with subprime loans, since the outbreak of the crisis, the U.S. government and the Fed repeatedly join forces to save the city, but the role of the real estate market is almost unlikely. The study on real estate credit in our country started later, it mainly focuses on the classification of real estate credit risk of commercial banks, and based on the causes of the recognition level. In comparison, the secondary business credit financial markets abroad Early start, the research on the real estate mortgage problems are very systematic, the existing theory and risk assessment system is more perfect in the risk control. At present, the real estate industry has become an important industry chain of China's national economy, covers a wide range, which increased 1 a unit of output can be driven by all industries increase 1.416 unit output. Among them, can drive a 0.145 unit increase in the output of the financial insurance industry, which not only shows the development of the real estate industry to promote the financial and insurance industry, but also reveals the China real estate industry and the banking industry is a highly interdependent industry. So the law research on China's commercial bank real estate credit risk is of great practical significance.
In recent years, China's real estate investment scale is very expansion, resulting in China's commercial housing prices continue to increase, although there is no China subprime market, but Chinese real estate industry has a similar subprime loan level. In China, many people are eager to acquire wealth by investing in real estate, commercial banks play an important role in the real estate industry. Driven by the various interests of the country, commercial banks are racking their brains to use various methods to attract people to borrow to buy a house. The sound development of China's government introduced a number of macro-control policy to stabilize the real estate market. From the angle of economic law study in China, the government must be real the real estate market to carry out appropriate intervention, but not excessive intervention, because too much government intervene in the real estate market, will greatly damage the real estate market. The force, which requires the government to strictly grasp the degree and intensity of intervention in the real estate market, not damage the development of economy. The government should actively promote enterprises for equity financing, real estate investment trust fund, the research and development of financial derivative products, to speed up the real estate mortgage securitization, improve China's real estate financial legal system.
Bank credit to real estate market is the main source of funds for real estate development, personal housing mortgage loans from banks, commercial bank credit to the real estate market also make it take a great risk. The real estate credit business is different from other businesses, it has the personal loan amount is small but the overall business volume, characteristics lending cycle is long. While lending to real estate developers have large fluctuations in the value, characteristics of high risk. But their common characteristic is the poor liquidity, but also will be transformed into each other under certain conditions. Therefore, both on the risk prevention of legal problems of commercial banks in real estate business is necessary. As the country becomes more attention to the macro-control of the real estate market, commercial banks should be from the external policy risk and internal risk management to prevent the real estate market is likely to bring the crisis to commercial banks. Because when they improve the credit risk management system, expand financing channels, diversify risk transfer three aspects to take corresponding measures. This thesis starts from the particularity of the mechanism of credit risk and credit risk of real estate with the status quo and risk of real estate credit in our country to analyze, and then through the comparison of the U.S. real estate credit risk control the mechanism construction, to improve our country commercial bank real estate credit risk prevention legal system.
Through comprehensive analysis, the paper draws a conclusion that the real estate credit has been facing various kinds of risks, our government must timely introduction of relevant laws and regulations to improve the operation of the real estate market. From the level of economic law to strengthen the national macro-control of the real estate market. The commercial banks in the credit business of the real estate market to attach great importance to the possible risks and hazards, and gradually establish a full control of the real estate credit risk as the goal of management mode. To reduce the risk from the norms of operation, operation, protection of property, a reasonable extension of real estate credit scale, step by step to the diversification of real estate financing, standardization, quality development and let the real estate credit business management into the good track.



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