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发布时间:2018-01-06 04:08

  本文关键词:基于全寿命周期的北京富力丹麦小镇工程项目质量管理 出处:《北京工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 质量控制 全面质量管理方法 全寿命周期质量管理

【摘要】:新世纪下,我国各项事业发展迅猛,经济市场形成了空前繁荣的景象。其中房地产业更是起着举足轻重的作用,成为我国国民经济发展的支柱产业。在房地产业迅猛发展的同时,部分负面效应也接踵而至,比如部分企业由于忽视工程质量的管理而产生了“楼倒倒”、“楼歪歪”等案例,已经给房屋质量问题敲响了警钟。针对不断产生的房屋质量问题,房地产企业开始对房屋质量提出了要求,但是对于房地产空前火爆的市场,,并不担心卖不出房子的房地产企业并未有太大的压力,直到一直高居不下的房价给民生带来越来越多的负面影响,和国家房地产宏观调控措施不断跟进,特别在2011年春节后部分大中城市限购令的纷纷出台,此时房地产企业开始面临了生存和发展的危机。 百年大计、质量为本,工程的质量不仅是衡量该企业好坏的标准,而且对本企业的发展特别是企业的品牌效应更产生了深远的影响,更多房地产企业已经意识到:企业要生存、要发展必须要求在工程质量上有所突破,必须更加重视工程质量。在这种形势下工程的质量管理就显得尤为重要,所以工程的质量品质自然成了各房地产企业必须追求的硬性要求,而工程质量管理也就顺理成章的在房地产工程管理中起到了举足轻重的作用。 本文作者通过富力丹麦小镇的开发过程,结合前后两期质量管理的不同,从房地产全寿命周期的质量管理研究中,通过运用质量控制的相关理论,分别采用过程控制的观点,分析事前、事中、事后各控制过程的特点,结合前后两期管理的问题症结,得出全面质量管理方法的相关管理理论在工程实践中的可行性。
[Abstract]:The new century, the cause of the rapid development of China's economy, the market has formed unprecedented prosperity. The real estate industry is playing the pivotal role, become a pillar industry of China's national economic development. The rapid development in the real estate industry at the same time, some negative effects also followed, such as some enterprises due to the neglect of the quality of the project management and the building collapse, the "floor" and other cases, has sounded the alarm. The quality of housing for housing quality problems arise, the real estate enterprises began on the quality of housing demands, but the real estate market is not worried about the unprecedented popularity, to sell the house the real estate enterprises did not have too much pressure, until the negative impact has been stubbornly high prices to bring more and more people's livelihood, and the national real estate macro-control measures continue to follow up, especially in 2011 After the Spring Festival, some large and medium-sized cities are in succession. At this time, the real estate enterprises began to face the crisis of survival and development.
Project, quality, engineering quality is not only a measure of the enterprise quality standards, but also for the development of the enterprise is more far-reaching influence enterprise brand effect, more real estate enterprises have realized that enterprises want to survive, must develop a breakthrough in the engineering quality requirements, we must pay more attention to the project quality. Quality management is particularly important in this situation of the project, so the quality of the engineering quality is a natural requirement for real estate enterprises must pursue, and project quality management is logical in the real estate project management plays an important role.
In this paper, the author through the development process of Fuli Danish town, with periods of quality management, from the quality management of the real estate life cycle, by using relevant theories of quality control, using process control point of view, analysis beforehand, in the matter, after the characteristics of control process, combined with the crux of the problem before and after the two the comprehensive management, quality management methods of the related management theory feasibility in engineering practice.



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1 孟宪海;中外工程质量监督管理模式的比较研究[J];施工技术;1999年04期




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