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发布时间:2018-01-06 16:20

  本文关键词:青岛市LAVIE公社房地产综合开发项目风险管理研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产项目 风险管理 风险识别 风险应对

[Abstract]:Real estate industry is an industry engaged in real estate development, management, management and service. It is a basic factor of production in the development of our national economy, and has a high degree of correlation with more than 50 industries of the national economy. It has created enormous economic benefits and is an indispensable huge engine in the process of economic development in China. However, with the continuous development of the real estate market in China. In the process of real estate development, some problems are gradually exposed. At the same time, the real estate project investment is large, the period is long, there are many unpredictable factors in the development process, and the real estate market operation time is not long. The weak risk consciousness of real estate project managers makes real estate developers inevitably face all kinds of risks. Many real estate enterprises are helpless in the face of risks if they can not identify risks very well. Take reasonable measures to deal with the risk, then real estate enterprises may face the risk of huge losses or even bankruptcy. At the same time, this kind of consequences will affect the enterprises at the same time. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study the risk management of the real estate comprehensive development project. By studying the risks faced by the LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project in Qingdao, this paper provides a reasonable risk identification method and puts forward relevant suggestions to help the project avoid risks. And for other real estate projects have certain reference. This paper based on the real estate project risk management literature, taking Qingdao LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project as a case. Comprehensive use of risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and risk monitoring of these four aspects of the theoretical knowledge, from the project investment decision-making stage, early preparation phase, the project construction phase. The four stages of sales management have carried on the empirical research of the whole process risk management, analyzed the risk management present situation of the LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project. At the same time. According to the actual situation and specific characteristics of LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project, the project risk management scheme of LAVIE commune project is designed. To some extent, improve the LAVIE real estate project risk management deficiencies. The first part of this paper describes the development process of project risk management at home and abroad, and gives the definition of risk and risk management. Nature and general knowledge of real estate project risk management; The second part adopts the risk management system which is used by the general scholars to identify, evaluate, deal with and monitor the risk, and systematically analyzes the investment decision-making stage of the LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project. The potential risks and the causes of the pre-preparation phase, project construction stage and sales management stage. The risk assessment of the LAVIE commune real estate comprehensive development project is carried out by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. By using sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis and expert investigation, the paper classifies risk and obtains important risk, general risk and mild risk. The third part of the LAVIE real estate comprehensive development project specific risk response and monitoring measures, for real estate enterprises to avoid risk to provide a path. Then it helps real estate enterprises to improve the level of investment risk decision-making, reduce the risk probability, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.


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