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发布时间:2018-01-06 16:11

  本文关键词:江南私家园林空间形态在当代居住区环境中的应用 出处:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 江南私家园林 景观 空间 新中式

【摘要】:20世界90年代,房地产行业快速发展,从单一的楼盘营销转向对环境品质,文化内涵的关注。西方设计理念的涌入,地产行业一度呈现出百花齐放的混乱局面。随着国家经济、文化、科技的发展,人们对于本土文化和地域情结的自信心逐步建立,新中式风格成为诸多居住区设计风格中的一颗活力新星,体现出浓厚的人文环境。人文环境在居住区中主要体现在审美心理、交流空间、文化心理、人和自然的伦理关系以及社会制度等方面,江南园林是我国传统园林艺术中的精华所在,不仅具有自由式的布局、小中见大的空间形式、逸趣横生的生态环境、淡雅宁静的园林意境等特点,更蕴含了深奥的哲学思想和丰富的文化内涵,无论是其自然环境还是人文环境都能准确迎合当代人的心理需求。 论文对江南园林的造景手法、空间结构以及精神内涵进行较深入的探索分析,并试图在江南园林空间形态与当代居住区景观之间寻求契合点,研究当代居住区环境景观设计如何对江南园林中的精华予以传承和发展,探索新中式居住区景观环境的创作途径及手法,为创作出满足当代人生活需求、充满时代气息的中国特色的居住区景观提供启发与借鉴。
[Abstract]:In 90s, with the rapid development of real estate industry, the marketing of real estate turned to the concern of environmental quality and cultural connotation, and the influx of western design ideas. With the development of national economy, culture, science and technology, people's confidence in local culture and regional complex is gradually established. New Chinese style has become a dynamic new star in many residential design styles, reflecting a strong humanistic environment, which is mainly reflected in the aesthetic psychology, communication space, cultural psychology in residential areas. In the ethical relationship between man and nature and social system, Jiangnan garden is the essence of Chinese traditional garden art. It not only has a free layout, a small space form, but also an ecological environment. The features of elegant and tranquil garden include profound philosophical thoughts and rich cultural connotations. Both its natural environment and humanistic environment can accurately meet the psychological needs of contemporary people. This paper makes a deep exploration and analysis on the landscape techniques, spatial structure and spiritual connotation of Jiangnan gardens, and tries to find a suitable point between the landscape form of the landscape and the contemporary residential landscape in the south of the Yangtze River. This paper studies how to inherit and develop the essence of Jiangnan landscape architecture in contemporary residential area landscape design, and explore the creative ways and methods of new Chinese residential landscape environment, in order to create to meet the needs of contemporary people. The residential landscape with Chinese characteristics, which is full of the atmosphere of the times, provides inspiration and reference.


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