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发布时间:2018-01-07 05:15

  本文关键词:论网络团购消费者权益的法律保护 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 网络团购 消费者权益 法律保护

【摘要】:网络团购作为一种新的消费模式,凭借优惠、方便、快捷等优势迅速“侵入”到传统商品销售和服务领域,并开始向房地产、保险、金融等高端行业扩展。但是,我国电子商务立法相对滞后,迄今尚未形成系统、规范的电子商务法律制度。2013年修订前的《消法》立法陈旧,无法适应日新月异的社会发展,对于网络团购消费者权益的保护显得捉襟见肘;2013年修订后的新《消法》将网络购物纳入法律视野,,并明确规定了“反悔权”、“个人信息保护”、“消协公益诉讼职能”等内容。但是,新《消法》亦存在一些不完善的地方,譬如,没有将“服务”纳入可退货的范围,没有明确退货商品必须“完好”该如何界定等。鉴于此,本文以消费者权益保护为视角,分析网络团购中存在的问题,并对规制网络团购提出相关建议。 除引言和结语外,全文分为三个部分。 第一部分“网络团购概述”。该部分首先介绍网络团购在国内外的发展历程,概括出网络团购的三种模式,并将本文的研究范围界定为团购2.0模式;同时归纳了网络团购的三个特征,即,价格优惠、时间限制和人数限制;然后对网络团购中消费者权益受侵害的表现,尤其是消费者知情权、公平交易权和反悔权这三项权利受侵害予以了重点分析。 第二部分“网络团购中消费者权益法律保护存在的问题”。本部分从主体入手,分析国家、社会中间层、市场主体在保护网络团购消费者权益方面存在的问题,主要包括:《消法》规定不健全,即使是2014年新《消法》亦未将“服务”纳入可退货的范围,并且对消费者“反悔权”的规定不够完善;行政监管权责不明、部门间协调机制不健全;小额诉讼程序在处理网络团购群体性诉讼时存在一些不足;行业自律机制不佳,诚信建设有待加强;消协公益诉讼职能发挥受级别限制,消费者非理性消费及维权意识不强。 第三部分“网络团购中消费者权益法律保护的完善”。本部分针对第二部分所列问题,提出相应的完善措施。首先,完善2014年《消费者权益保护法》:明确界定退货商品“完好”的标准,将服务纳入可退货范围,明确网络团购经营者退款具体方式,赋予市、县级消协公益诉讼的职能;针对行政机关多头监管权责不明的情形,设立专门的行政执法机构;建立消费者集团诉讼制度。其次,重树消协公信力,建立网络投诉处理平台,方便消费者异地解决纠纷。最后,保护消费者合法权益是全社会共同的责任,更是消费者自身的责任,因此消费者在网络团购时应当理性消费、增强维权意识。
[Abstract]:Network group purchase as a new consumption pattern, with preferential, convenient, fast and other advantages quickly "invasion" to traditional commodity sales and service areas, and began to the real estate, insurance, financial and other high-end industries. However, China's e-commerce legislation is lagging behind, so far has not yet formed a systematic, standardized legal system electronic commerce.2013 years before the revision of the "Consumer Law > legislation obsolete, unable to adapt to the social development change rapidly to protect the interests of consumers, the network group purchase is stretched; revised in 2013, the new consumer law > < the network shopping into the legal field, and clearly defined" right "," personal information protection "," the contents of the association the public interest litigation function ". However, the new consumer law > < also has some imperfections, for example, will not be included in the scope of" service "to return, there is no clear return goods must be" intact "the In view of this, this paper analyzes the problems in the online group purchase, and puts forward some suggestions on the regulation of the network group purchase.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into three parts.
The first part is "overview of network group purchase". This part first introduces the network group purchase in the domestic and international development process, summed up the three modes of network group purchase, and the scope of this study is defined as the 2 group purchase mode; and it also summarizes three characteristics, namely the network group purchase, price concessions, time limit and number; then the network group purchase consumer rights infringement in the performance, especially the consumer's right to know, the right and the right of the three even bargain rights infringement shall be analyzed.
The second part is existing problems of legal protection of consumer rights in network group purchase. This part start from the main body, analysis of the state, the social middle layer, the main market exists in the protection of network group purchase of consumer rights, including: < > provisions consumer law is not perfect, even in 2014 the new consumer law nor the < > "service" in return, and the provisions of the consumers' right to go back is not perfect; administrative supervision, unclear responsibilities, inter departmental coordination mechanism is not perfect; procedure has some shortcomings in the process of network group purchase group litigation; self-discipline mechanism is poor, the integrity of the building should be strengthened; associations of public interest litigation functions by level restrictions irrational consumption and consumer rights awareness is not strong.
The third part of the "perfect" law to protect the interests of consumers in the network group purchase. This part for the second part of the problem, put forward the corresponding improvement measures. First, improve the 2014 "Consumer Protection Law >: defining return standard commodity" intact ", will return into the service scope, clear network operators refund the group purchase give the city, county, the associations of public interest litigation according to the administrative organ function; long regulatory responsibilities unknown circumstances, the establishment of special administrative law enforcement agencies; establish consumer group litigation system. Secondly, the heavy tree Association credibility, establish network complaint handling platform, convenient for consumers to resolve disputes in different places. Finally, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers is the common responsibility of the whole society is the consumer's own responsibility, so consumers should be rational consumption in the network group purchase, to enhance awareness of rights.



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