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发布时间:2018-01-07 08:21

  本文关键词:基于FAVAR模型通货膨胀的成因研究 出处:《广东工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 通货膨胀 成因分析 FAVAR模型 宏观经济管理

[Abstract]:Inflation is one of the important topics in macroeconomic management in China. The research on inflation has been a hot topic in academic circles, there is no a theme can like inflation has been repeatedly discussed. The research achievements of domestic and foreign inflation, mostly from currency, demand, cost, the influence factors of the input. And often according to different research needs select different economic indicators, there is no unified index classification standard, so the conclusion will be different, on the other hand the reason of China's inflation is perplexing, and not a single level and influence factors. The real estate market in China in recent years capital market, foreign trade activities are very active, the impact on inflation has gradually attracted high attention of scholars. Therefore the selection of monetary, economic activity level, real estate, To further examine the dynamic regularity and causes of inflation inflation since the long-term capital market and international demand levels, more in line with the current economic situation, more practical, more can put forward our country's macroeconomic management policy recommendations. In the selection of research methods, most scholars choose VAR or SVAR as the empirical research method in this paper, summing up the limitation of VAR and SVAR model, and analyses the rationality and necessity of the FAVAR model, using FAVAR (factor vector autoregression) model as the research methods, make full use of macroeconomic indicators in our country, many factors will directly or indirectly affect the inflation at the same time into analysis the framework of FAVAR model, extract the factor inflation volatility reflects the comprehensive nature, in order to use more comprehensive perspective analysis of various aspects of China's inflation Impact. The availability of data based on the final selection of the 44 economic indicators, and January 2000 to December 2014 a total of 168 data were used to verify and analyze the causes of inflation. The main results are as follows: first, the factor analysis in the process of monetary index has not formed a unified currency impact force, but distributed to each factor group, indicating that China's economy has developed to the stage of conversion by thick to fine, the role of monetary policy is more refined, so in macroeconomic management, the need for different areas using different monetary policy. In second, during the period from 2000 to 2014, the real estate market fluctuations, international demand. The credit scale, the level of economic activity and the capital market are the causes of inflation in China. The fluctuation of the real estate market, international demand, credit scale and capital market is on inflation To pull, and the level of economic activity in a certain extent can restrain inflation. Third, the real estate market factor, international demand factor, credit scale factor, the level of economic activity factor, have long-term equilibrium relationship between capital market factors and inflation factors, and short-term dynamic relationship. The analysis can reveal the inflation in China. To find out the influence factors of inflation path and effect model. Which helps to carry out macroeconomic management policy design, solve the adverse effects of inflation on economic development. Finally, based on the sound of the conclusions of empirical analysis, puts forward the macro management suggestions.



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