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发布时间:2018-01-07 17:35

  本文关键词:瑞典和中国居家养老服务的比较研究 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 人口老龄化 居家养老 居家改造 居家照顾 集中住宅

[Abstract]:Since 1980s, the aging population has become a major problem plagued the country's social and economic development. One is the highest degree of aging in the European Union countries, one is the world's most populous country in aging, Sweden and China are currently facing a huge pension pressure. While the traditional family pension mode, mechanism facing many problems, has been unable to meet the pension needs of the country. The author uses the literature method, observation method and interview method, in Sweden and China home-based care services policy, the specific content and delivery process are introduced and compared. As a "welfare state" window, Sweden has been universal, universal the high welfare policy. Since the beginning of 1980s, the Swedish government under the advocacy of home-based care and rapid implementation and market reform. Chinese family support for a long time to As the main mode of endowment, since twenty-first Century Chinese government support model of community home endowment vigorously, at present, to take the government to purchase services in the form of bidding by non governmental organizations or groups through the project to provide home-based care services. In the aspect of home-based care services content, the author selects the home improvement, home care and the residential buildings three aspects are discussed in this paper. As a starting point for home transformation with proper aging principle, including the internal space reconstruction and transformation of two public areas, is currently home renovation in Sweden has a relatively perfect, China is still in the exploration and design stage, and did not get the promotion and popularization of home care for daily life care and community day care at present, Switzerland and China have carried out. Compared to the Swedish home care comprehensive and extensive, China are mainly concentrated in the Home care of the daily life, many communities or has not yet built a day care center, or the existence of idle equipment, waste of resources and other issues, the actual role is not significant. The main features of the residence is composed of all the elderly residents. Swedish elderly residential buildings funded by the government and is responsible for building, built in the urban area, equipped with professional service personnel, the elderly pay less rent will be accommodated, suitable for the majority of elderly people living in the elderly. Chinese concentrated residential real estate business by building and selling, the elderly through the purchase or rental occupancy way, built in the suburbs, only a few elderly people with better economic conditions can stay. In addition, the author from the home-based care services for the implementation, supervision and evaluation and other aspects of the comparison of Sweden and Chinese, and from the improvement of home-based care services, clear the main responsibility for service Distinguish between urban and rural and regional differences, and the construction of professional personnel to improve the old-age service system Chinese at home and put forward their own proposals. In summary, Sweden has home-based care services has been more and more perfect, the policy support from the government to the service, application, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and then to the facilities and services has been formed a more complete service system; and China home-based care services development time is short, the system is not mature, successful experience in the development process should not only learn from Sweden, and combined with the actual national conditions, the development of a suitable Chinese situation of localization of home-based care services system.



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