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发布时间:2018-01-07 16:14

  本文关键词:欧美国家休闲体育发展现状及其对中国的启示(英文) 出处:《成都体育学院学报》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 世界休闲体育 欧美国家 健康促进 运动参与 体育产业 现状 发展趋势

【摘要】:(1)欧美国家休闲体育发展现状。休闲体育引领健康世界。面对汹涌而来的世界性的现代健康危机,各国纷纷出台国民健康的政策和办法,通过开展调查研究为民众的体育参与提供数据和支撑,还通过体育设施设备供给为社会大众参与体育运动锻炼创造条件。随着经济社会发展、个人拥有物质财富和自由时间的增多,休闲体育作为一种促进人类健康的时代力量和新的生活方式、文化现象被社会大众广泛关注和接受。社会大众逐渐崇尚生命价值的真实和品质;大众积极休闲观念的养成、对体验型运动休闲方式青睐等也助推了休闲体育的发展。休闲健身的理念和实施成了推动休闲体育、进一步发展的关键一环;同时我们还要把加快形成有利于健康的生活方式、生态环境和经济社会发展模式,实现健康与经济社会良性协调发展作为基本准则。大众化、多样化和差异化是法国休闲体育发展主要趋势。运动休闲在法国的普及程度较高,截至2010年,有89%14周岁以上的法国人至少参加一项休闲体育运动。休闲体育运动参与人数的增加,还拓展了休闲体育活动的内容和类型。研究(LefèvreThierry,2010)表明:法国人不但可以同时参与多项体育运动,他们还对一些传统的项目加以创新和发展;所以,法国人经常参与的休闲体育运动项目有300余项。法国大众的休闲体育运动参与还呈现出多样化特点,参与者呈现出巨大的性别、年龄、职业、形式、规模等方面的差别;社会大众参与休闲体育运动的目的也是多种多样,除了竞技和表演外,人们赋予休闲体育运动保持健康、愉悦身心、形体塑造等多重意义和价值。加拿大休闲体育发展主要趋势。根据加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的数据,2012年12岁及以上加拿大人口中,有53.9%(1 560万)的人经常运动。2001年-2012年间,加拿大经常参与休闲体育运动活动的人数呈现出上升态势,其中男性经常参与体育锻炼的比例高于女性。他们把体育参与分为3种类型:体育运动(Sport,有规则、有对手、竞争性)、体力活动(Physical Activity,需要一切的能量消耗及休闲体育锻炼(Exercise,有计划、有组织、重复性的旨在改善或维持身体健康)。调查表明:(1)最受加拿大男性欢迎的3项体育运动是冰球、高尔夫球和足球,最受加拿大女性欢迎的项目则是高尔夫、足球和游泳。(2)2010年以前步行或慢跑是加拿大人最常参与的休闲活动项目,是加拿大人最常用的休闲体育锻炼项目。(3)由加拿大健身和生活方式研究所(Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute)完成的研究报告表明:2014年-2015年18岁及以上加拿大人经常参加的体力活动的类型有:步行(84%)、园艺或庭院工作(74%)、在家锻炼(65%)和游泳(58%)等。澳大利亚体育发展概况。澳大利亚一直被公认为是一个热爱体育运动的国家。澳政府出台了各种促进体育发展的政策以期增加参与体育运动人口数量、提升精英运动员成绩、增进社会包容度、改善大众心理健康、帮助老年人保持独立并提升他们的生活质量、推动社会变革。2015年澳大利亚人仅在体育馆、健身房、休闲中心的体育和休闲活动花费就超过107亿美元。澳大利亚90%以上的体育和体育娱乐从业人员都在私营部门就业。但令人担忧的是:近年来久坐的成年人和儿童数量大幅增加,肥胖和其他与不运动相关的健康问题日益增多。澳大利亚统计局的数据(Australian Bureau of Statistics,2014)表明,参加体育运动和休闲体育娱乐活动的澳大利亚人数量有所减少,会员制体育和休闲俱乐部的会员人数有所下降。究其根源:社会变化、政治决定、经济条件和人口变化等相互作用导致体育志愿者工作时间减少。志愿者一直是澳大利亚非营利性社区体育和娱乐团体运营的关键因素,但受人口结构的变化、就业模式和利益相关者的期望等因素影响,体育志愿者工作时间正在减少。随着休闲方式变革、人口结构变化、体育发展商业化和全球化对澳大利亚的休闲娱乐和体育运动发展的影响逐渐深入,体育发展既要积极变革以适应青少年休闲体育运动偏好,又要主动寻求非政府组织的资助,还要努力探索"商业化"背景下体育组织的运营模式。气候变化对休闲体育高尔夫旅游的影响。据估计,全世界有34 011个高尔夫球场;全球高尔夫旅游市场每年的产值超过200亿美元,许多国家已将高尔夫作为重要的旅游产品来开发。加勒比海地区的高尔夫球场数量较少,占全球高尔夫球场总数的不到1%(121个,截至2014年);球场运营的模式有4种:单独运营的球场、与酒店共同运营、与住宅房地产和/或酒店合作运营、只与主要的住宅房地产合作运营。加勒比地区的高尔夫市场曾主要依赖美国和加拿大的游客。然而,比起打高尔夫(14%),北美的游客现在更喜欢钓鱼(30%)、赏鸟(15%)、在沙滩上漫步(77%)或放松休憩(71%)。高尔夫球场经营和高尔夫球旅游发展与气候密切相关。一方面,全球气候变化也延长了全球北部地区的高尔夫球季。另一方面,高尔夫球场项目建设也可能会因砍伐树木、植被和红树林等导致气候变化;投入运营的高尔夫球场会通过增加温室气体排放及其对淡水的大量需求等形式影响气候变化。所以,高尔夫球场建设与运营应更加注重对环境的保护。除了研究草坪管理、培育草种外,我们更应该关注高尔夫球场如何适应气候变化的客观现实。加勒比和其他地区的新高尔夫球场建设除了必须符合国际公认项目标准,还要积极探索冷却大气、防止侵蚀、给地下水补给和应对气候变化的最佳做法。(2)欧美国家休闲体育发展对中国的启示。观念的转变,让理念主导休闲体育发展方式变迁。体育及休闲体育既是提高人民健康水平,又是推动体育消费结构升级和体育产业发展的重要力量。另外,社会大众对体育及休闲的认识是推进休闲体育及体育发展方式大变革关键:休闲体育发展既需要社会大众重视,又需要全社会积极参与。方式的创新,让社会和市场成为推动休闲体育发展的核心力量。一方面发挥协会、高校、俱乐部、企业等在提供和生产多元化休闲体育产品及服务方面的职能和职责,以缓解当前休闲体育产品和服务供给总体不足与需求不断增长之间的矛盾。另一方面,发挥市场机制配置休闲体育资源的决定性作用,让市场逻辑和效率逻辑主导休闲体育的发展。文化培育,让浓厚的文化氛围为休闲体育发展提供滋养。政府部门主导休闲体育设施设备供给和制度供给,为休闲体育发展提供物质和制度文化层面的保障和支持;加强宣传和引导,推动休闲体育产品和服务供给者、各类参与者的休闲体育文化自觉,并落实到休闲体育发展、休闲体育参与和休闲体育消费的实践中。
[Abstract]:(1) the status of leisure sports development in Europe and the United States. Leisure sports to lead a healthy world. Facing the coming of the modern world health crisis, countries have introduced national health policies and measures, through the investigation and provide data support for people's participation in sports, the sports facilities and equipment supply for the public to participate in sports exercise and create conditions. With the development of economy and society, people have more material wealth and free time, leisure sports as a way to promote human health era power and a new way of life, cultural phenomenon has been widespread public attention and acceptance. The public gradually advocating life of the true value and quality; develop the public actively leisure concept. To experience leisure movement favored also boost the development of leisure sports. The concept and implementation of leisure and fitness to promote leisure sports, in A key step of development; at the same time we have to speed up the formation of a healthy lifestyle, ecological environment and economic and social development, to achieve healthy economic and social harmonious development as the basic criterion. The popularization, diversification and differentiation is the main trend in the development of leisure sports in France. The popularity of leisure sport in France high, as of 2010, 89%14 years of age to participate in at least one French leisure sports leisure sports participation. To increase the number of content and type of extended leisure sports research. (Lef vreThierry, 2010) showed that not only the French can also participate in many sports, they also be on innovation and development some of the traditional project; therefore, leisure sports French regularly participate in leisure sports. There are more than 300 French public participation is also showing diversity The characteristics of participants, showing a huge gender, age, occupation, form, scale and other aspects of the difference; leisure sports public participation purpose is various, in addition to athletics and performance, to give people leisure sports to keep healthy, pleasurable, meaning and value of multiple body shaping. The main trends in the development of leisure sports Canada. According to Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada) data, in 2012 at the age of 12 and above the Canadian population, 53.9% (15 million 600 thousand) regular exercise.2001 years -2012 years, Canada has often participate in leisure sports activities showed a rising trend, in which men often participate in physical exercise is higher than the proportion of women. They have sports participation is divided into 3 types: sports (Sport, there are rules, competitive rivals, physical activity (Physical), Activity, need all the energy consumption and Hugh Leisure physical exercise (Exercise, planned, organized, repetitive to improve or maintain health). Survey showed that: (1) 3 sports most popular Canadian men's hockey, golf and football, the most popular Canadian women welcome items are golf, soccer and swimming. (2 walking or jogging before 2010) is a Canadian most often participate in leisure activities, is the most commonly used Canadian leisure sports exercise program. (3) by the Canadian fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute (Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute) of the completed report indicates: Canadian -2015 18 years old and above 2014 often take part in physical activities include: walking (84%), gardening or yard work (74%), exercise at home (65%) and swimming (58%). Introduction of Australian sports development. Australia has been recognized as a love sports Movement of the country. The Australian government introduced a variety of policies to promote the development of sports in order to increase participation in sports population, promote elite athletes, enhance social tolerance, improve mental health, help seniors maintain independence and improve their quality of life, promote social change.2015 Australians only in the gym, gym, recreation center the sports and leisure activities to spend more than $10 billion 700 million. More than 90% of Australia's sports and sports entertainment practitioners have jobs in the private sector. But the concern is: the number of sedentary adults and children have increased sharply in recent years, obesity and other health problems associated with movements are increasing. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014) showed that the number of Australia to participate in sports and leisure sports and entertainment activities have reduced the amount of Less number of sports and leisure club membership membership declined. The reason is: social change, political, economic conditions and demographic changes resulting from the interaction of time sports volunteer work is reduced. Volunteers have been Australia non-profit community sports entertainment group and the key factors of operation, but due to the change of population structure, employment effect model and stakeholder expectations and other factors, sports volunteer work time is reduced. With the transformation of the mode of leisure, the change of population structure, affecting the development of sports development and commercialization of globalization on Leah Australia leisure entertainment and sports gradually, sports development should actively change to adapt to the youth sports and leisure preferences, but also take the initiative for non government funded organization, but also to explore the "sports commercial organization" under the background of climate change on the mode of operation. Influence of leisure sports golf tourism. It is estimated that there are 34011 golf courses in the world; the global golf tourism market annual output value of more than $20 billion, many countries have golf as an important tourism product development. The number of small golf course in the Caribbean, accounted for less than 1% of the total global Golf Course (121. As of 2014); the operation of the court there are 4 modes: single operation of the stadium, and hotel operators, and residential real estate and / or hotel operations, and only the main residential real estate operations. The Caribbean region has golf market mainly rely on the United States and Canada tourists. However, rather than playing golf (14%), North American tourists now more love fishing (30%), birds (15%), walking on the beach (77%) or relax (71%). The operation of golf course and golf tourism development and climate. Closely related to global climate change. On the one hand, also extended the northern regions of the world golf season. On the other hand, the golf course construction projects may be due to the felling of trees, vegetation and mangrove as a result of climate change; the golf course will be put into operation by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and the fresh water requirement form the impact of climate change so, the golf course construction and operation should pay more attention to the protection of the environment. In addition to the study of turf management, cultivation of grass, we should pay more attention to the golf course to adapt to climate change in the objective reality. The Caribbean and other parts of the new golf course construction must conform to the internationally recognized standard project, but also actively explore the cooling air, prevent to the best practices of erosion, groundwater recharge and climate change. (2) the state of Europe and the Enlightenment of the development of leisure sports China. The change of concept, so the concept of change leading the development of leisure sports. Sports and leisure sports is to improve people's health level, and is an important force to promote the upgrading of the structure of sports consumption and sports industry development. In addition, public awareness of sports and leisure and leisure sports is to promote sports development mode transformation: the key of leisure sports development the public needs attention, and requires the active participation of the whole society. The way of innovation, let the society and the market has become the core power to promote the development of leisure sports. On the one hand play association, universities, clubs, functions and responsibilities of enterprises in production and provide diversified leisure sports products and services, to alleviate the contradiction between the increasing the overall lack of leisure sports demand and supply of products and services. On the other hand, play a decisive role in the market mechanism in the allocation of leisure sports resources, let The development of the market logic and efficiency dominant logic of leisure sports. Culture, make a strong cultural atmosphere to provide nourishment for the development of leisure sports. The government leading leisure sports facilities and equipment supply and supply system, provide material and institutional culture guarantee and support for the development of leisure sports; strengthen the publicity and guidance, to promote leisure sports products and the service provider, the leisure sports culture consciousness of all participants, and the implementation of the development of leisure sports, leisure sports participation and practice of leisure sports consumption.

【作者单位】: 首都体育学院;里昂大学;伟斯顿大学;悉尼科技大学;北德州大学;成都体育学院经管系;
【正文快照】: Leisure Sports lead the Healthy World Abstract:This study is positioned within the leisure sports context to reveal the history and current situation about development of leisure sports.Leisure sports or sport participation was regarded as a useful way


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