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发布时间:2018-01-07 16:13

  本文关键词:建筑业经营活动营运资金管理对公司绩效的影响研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 建筑业 经营活动营运资金 公司绩效 典型相关分析

[Abstract]:In the context of the new normal economic development, the growth rate of construction companies in China slowed down, but the construction of urbanization accelerated the landing of PPP projects. The promotion of "Belt and Road" strategy has ushered in great vitality for the transformation and development of Chinese construction companies. How to seize the opportunity to rebuild competitiveness and improve company performance in the era of stock competition has become an important task for construction companies. Through literature review, this paper finds that working capital management is generally regarded as a solution to corporate financial problems in academic circles. The focus of meeting the daily business needs. The importance of the construction industry as one of the pillar industries of the national economy is self-evident. Nowadays, due to the fierce competitive environment in the market, construction companies often appear various problems such as being defaulted on the project payment and so on. The working capital is tight. And the project can not be promoted without working capital, it can be seen for the construction companies, working capital management is particularly important. Up to now. Most of the existing related studies are limited to a few separate elements under the narrow definition of working capital, and there is little literature to explore the relationship between working capital and corporate performance. But the few working capital management research based on the channel also pays more attention to the manufacturing industry or the real estate industry, therefore. This paper studies the effect of working capital management on the performance of construction companies from the perspective of professor Wang Zhuquan's research results on the management of working capital based on channels. This paper selects the listed companies on the main board of construction industry in recent five years as the research. The object. With the channel working capital turnover index as a set of variables, the company financial performance, operating performance and market performance evaluation indicators for another set of variables. This paper empirically studies the impact of working capital management on the performance of listed companies in China's construction industry by means of canonical correlation analysis. There is a high correlation and negative correlation between the level of working capital management and company performance under operating activities. The study also finds that: first, the turnover of working capital of marketing activities has the greatest impact on financial performance; Second, the operating capital turnover of purchasing channels mainly affects the operating performance of listed companies in the construction industry; Third, the working capital turnover of purchasing channel, production channel and marketing channel is not correlated with the market performance of listed companies in construction industry.


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