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发布时间:2018-01-07 22:10

  本文关键词:LSD公司产品差异化竞争战略研究 出处:《山东理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业地产 差异化 竞争战略 核心竞争力

【摘要】:中国的商业地产还处于发展初期,特别是当前国际化程度的加深对中国房地产行业带来巨大的冲击,中国房地产企业商业地产开发面临着激烈的竞争,,而涉足商业地产行业的企业并不完全明确企业的产品市场定位和未来的发展,特别是在产品差异化竞争战略问题的研究还不够深入。为了适应新经济时代的要求,商业公司有必要进行产品竞争战略调整和确立发展战略实施手段,以此实现房地产企业的长期可持续发展。 商业地产产品的同质化和房地产本身的特性,要求房地产企业实施差异化竞争策略。本文以差异化竞争战略理论为基础,运用文献阅读法、调查问卷法、访谈法等理论与实践相结合的方式对LSD公司产品差异化竞争战略进行了研究。首先,分析了LSD公司商业地产产品差异化竞争战略外部环境和内部条件,采取五力模型和SWOT分析方法深入分析了LSD公司商业地产的竞争态势;其次,结合商业地产产品特点及属性特征,从概念差异化、属性差异化、服务差异化和品牌差异化四个要素提出该公司产品差异化竞争模式,在此基础上提出了相应的产品差异化竞争策略;最后,探讨了LSD公司产品差异化竞争战略的实施与控制,对实施原则、过程和实施的内部控制及应避免的误区等进行了综合分析,也对LSD公司产品差异化竞争战略实施的效果进行了定量的模糊综合评价。总之,本文从产品差异化战略管理视角来全面、系统的审视商业地产各业务单元的发展,并建立一个清晰的竞争战略管理框架,包含了产品差异化战略内容、策略及对其实施进行评价。本文用较新的视角去分析理解商业地产企业产品战略,为研究产品差异化竞争战略提供一条可借鉴的管理思路。 经研究可以得出:当前商业地产企业面临着严峻的内外部环境,企业应当在新形势下的市场竞争中明确企业产品差异化战略目标,并为之努力,促进企业的可持续发展;企业外部战略环境、内部战略条件和战略选择与实施是企业产品差异化战略研究和目标制定的主要依据;以产品差异化要素建立差异化竞争模式,并提出相应的差异化竞争策略,以顾客价值导向和加强核心竞争力的建设为目标的差异化竞争战略是企业竞争战略选择和控制的主要手段,是商业地产企业实现可持续发展的关键所在。
[Abstract]:China ' s commercial real estate is still in the early stage of development , especially the deepening of the current internationalization degree to China ' s real estate industry , the Chinese real estate enterprise commercial real estate development is faced with fierce competition , and the enterprise of the business real estate industry is not completely clear the product market positioning and the future development of the enterprise , especially in the product differentiation competition strategy . In order to meet the requirements of the new economic era , it is necessary for the business company to adjust and establish the development strategy implementation means to realize the long - term sustainable development of the real estate enterprise . Based on the theory of differentiated competition strategy , this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the competitive situation of the LSD company ' s product differentiation competition strategy based on the theory of differentiated competition strategy . The research can conclude that the current commercial real estate enterprise faces severe internal and external environment , the enterprise should make clear the strategic goal of enterprise product differentiation in the market competition under the new situation , and make efforts to promote the sustainable development of the enterprise . The differentiation competition mode is established by the differentiation factor of the product , and the differentiated competition strategy is put forward . The differentiated competition strategy based on the customer value guidance and the strengthening of the core competitiveness is the main means of the choice and control of the enterprise competition strategy . It is the key to realize the sustainable development of the commercial real estate enterprise .



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