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发布时间:2018-01-07 22:27

  本文关键词:上海市房地产发展及其与三次产业相关关系研究 出处:《上海海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 上海 房地产 三次产业 灰色关联度 生产函数 夏普利 贡献

【摘要】:我国房地产业改革开始于1998年,经过十余年的发展以及近年来连续政策支持,房地产业已经成为我国经济发展的支柱产业。在这十多年的发展过程中,房地产业有过狂热的飞速发展,也有过短暂的震荡调整。房地产业作为一个与民生有着重要联系的产业,它发展的好坏直接关系着我国的经济能否持续健康发展、民众能否居有其所、社会能否和谐稳定。虽然目前房地产业是我国经济的支柱产业,但其发展仍然存在着一些薄弱问题,例如房地产价格过高,房地产供给的结构失衡以及政府的调控滞后乏力等等。只有正确的认识和理解了这些问题产生的根本原因,才能让房地产真正成为我国国民经济的支柱产业,才能实现房地产业的持续健康发展。目前我国正处在经济结构调整的关键时期,研究房地产业与三次产业之间的相关关系就显得尤为重要。 本文运用了房地产业发展的相关理论知识,并在上海统计局网站收集了本世纪以来上海市的劳动力人口和房地产业等相关数据,依靠这些数据,利用灰色关联度和改良的生产函数等方法,探讨了上海市房地产业与三次产业之间的相关关系,并在基于某一生产要素的条件下,计算了该生产要素对各个产业的贡献值。本文希望通过对上海市房地产例文的研究来促进上海市房地产业更好的发展,并通过对房地产业与三次产业的关系研究来引导生产要素在各产业之间合理流动,正确分配,对上海市产业结构的调整和升级以及经济的全面发展有重大意义。另外房地产业的发展关系到每一位国民能否住的安心,必须作为经济发展的重点。 本论文一共有六章,第一章节是论文的导论,这部分主要论述了本文的研究背景和研究意义、国内外关于房地产业及其相关产业的理论研究成果、文章的主要研究内容、研究方式、研究思路、技术路线和可能的创新点。 第二章深入理解概括了房地产业的相关概念、特征和相关理论,为文章进一步分析奠定基础。 第三章对近年来,我国房地产业的发展状况以及上海市房地产业发展状况进行深入的了解,并指出目前上海市房地产业发展的特殊点。 第四章对影响房价的各个要素进行了分类,并对各个要素对房价作用的机制进行了相关阐述。 第五章主要是对上海市房地产业与三次产业之间的相关关系进行实证分析,首先采用灰色关联度分析方法分析了上海市房地产业于三次产业之间的关系,然后再基于劳动力这一个生产要素,并采用改良C-D函数法进一步计算出劳动力对四个产业的贡献度。 第六章在前文实证分析的基础上总结了上海市房地产业发展的所以就存在的问题,并提出相关的政策建议,还得到了房地产业与三次产业之间的相关关系和劳动力对他们的贡献,依照实证分析结果总结了房地产业与三次产业的关系。并根据前文的分析从劳动力这个生产要素的角度为上海市房地产业和三次产业的持续健康发展提出建议,指出研究中的不足和需要进一步进行研究的地方。 本文从整体研究出发到对重要影响的部分进行分别研究,综合对上海市房地产业和三次产业的关系进行了分析,提出了具有针对性和客观性的策略建议,以期推动上海市产业结构的调整,,保障房地产业持续健康发展,维护社会稳定。
[Abstract]:The reform of China's real estate industry began in 1998, after more than ten years of development, in recent years, continuous policy support, the real estate industry has become a pillar industry of China's economic development. In the more than 10 years of the development process, the real estate industry has been the rapid development of the wild, also had a brief shock adjustment of real estate. As an industry and people's livelihood has an important link of the industry, its development is directly related to our economy healthy and sustainable development, people can have a house, whether the society is harmonious and stable. Although the real estate industry is the pillar industry of China's economy, but its development still exists some weak problem. For example, the high price of real estate, real estate supply structure imbalance and government regulatory lag lack and so on. Only the correct understanding of the root causes of these problems, to make real estate become China The pillar industry of the national economy can achieve the sustained and healthy development of the real estate industry. At present, China is in the critical period of economic restructuring. It is particularly important to study the relationship between the real estate industry and the three industries.
This paper uses the related theoretical knowledge of the development of the real estate industry, and collected since the beginning of this century in Shanghai City Labor and real estate related data in the Shanghai Bureau of Statistics website, rely on these data, using gray correlation and modified production function method, to explore the relationship between the real estate industry in Shanghai city and three the industry, based on a factor of production conditions, the value contribution of the production factors of each industry are calculated. This paper aims to study the Shanghai City real estate example to promote the Shanghai City real estate industry better development, and through the study on the relationship between real estate industry and the three industry. To guide the rational flow of production factors, in the industry between the correct distribution, is of great significance to the overall development of the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure in Shanghai city and economy. In addition, the development of the real estate industry relateseach Whether the nation can live in peace and not, must be the focus of economic development.
This thesis consists of six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, this part mainly discusses the research background and significance, theoretical research on the real estate industry and related industries at home and abroad, the main research contents, the research methods, research ideas, technical route and possible innovation.
The second chapter deeply comprehends the related concepts, characteristics and related theories of real estate industry, which lays the foundation for further analysis of the article.
The third chapter makes a deep understanding of the development of real estate industry in China in recent years and the development of Shanghai's real estate industry, and points out the special points of Shanghai's real estate development.
The fourth chapter classifies the factors that affect the house price, and expounds the mechanism of the effect of each factor on the house price.
The fifth chapter is the empirical analysis of the relationship between the real estate industry in Shanghai city and the three industry, firstly, using the grey correlation analysis method to analyze the relationship between the real estate industry in Shanghai city in three industries, and then the labor production factors based on mining and further calculates the contribution of labor to four an industry with the modified C-D function method.
The sixth chapter in the above empirical analysis based on the summary of the existing problems in Shanghai City, so the development of the real estate industry, and puts forward relevant policy suggestions, but also get the relationship between real estate industry and the three industry and labor for their contributions, in accordance with the empirical analysis result summarizes the relationship between the real estate and three industries. And according to the above analysis from the perspective of the factors of production for the labor force of Shanghai real estate industry and the three industry sustained and healthy development of recommendations, pointed out the lack of research and further study.
In this paper, starting from the overall research to study separately important influence on the part of the comprehensive relationship of Shanghai real estate industry and the three industry are analyzed, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions and Strategies of objectivity, in order to promote the Shanghai city industrial structure adjustment, to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the real estate industry, to maintain social stability.



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