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发布时间:2018-01-08 02:10

  本文关键词:移动互联时代二手房平台(淘套房)商业模式构建与研究 出处:《山东师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 移动互联 电子商务 二手房 商业模式

【摘要】:进入21世纪,手机的智能化运用正在逐步让人们的生活方式发生巨大的变化,其影响力不亚于一场生活革命,手机具有的APP技术可以便利地展开购买、付款、提供附近宾馆、酒店信息等服务活动,人们正在慢慢习惯这种新节奏。据有关数据显示,国民城镇人群运用智能手机的生活方式越来越普遍。在家庭中使用的为66%、在路途中使用的为59%、在交通工具上使用的为52%、在餐馆和商场中使用的分别为38%与30%,在国内城镇使用智能手机的人群中,平均有十五个APP进行了安装,其中收费程序的数量平均有六个。三个人中就有两人想要安装更多程序,所占比例达66%,位居世界第二,移动互联必将成为新的社会经济增长点。 而伴随着中国城市化进程的不断发展,房地产业成为先进的热门产业,发展迅猛。受其本身非标准商品、不动产特征和互联网图文呈现结合的新型应用变革,将促进房产网络产品和服务的发展。就目前来说,中国的房产网络服务的模式正在朝着多元化发展道路前行。另外,网络拥有着传递范围宽泛、和客户间的交互能力强、受众人数易于统计、实效、自由、感官能力强、成本少等优势,极大促进了房产网络销售的顺利发展。 将来的二手房买卖会变成一手房交易以后的迅猛增长点。移动互联与房地产的结合的商业模式优势将会更加明显。宏伟的商业模式都是随着生活模式的变化而诞生的,汽车行业在人们以汽车代步时应运而生,在计算机、电脑逐步走进大众生活时,PC及软件业又产生了,,APP广泛、深度的进入到人们生活之中,种种趋势表明,如此生活方式的改变中潜在着极大的商业机遇,济南移动互联平台—“淘套房”也将成为这场变革中企业不可或缺的助推器,改变着人们的生活方式。所以,本文将在第四科技浪潮的移动互联的大时代背景下,探讨解决传统二手房交易信息平台的可行之道,构建其合理的商业模式。 本文是基于综合传统二手房及现代移动互联的二手房商业模式为探索目标,针对其盈利模式、业务体系、持续发展等三个构建要素展开研究探讨。首先主要总结了移动互联、商业模式的相关定义概念作为理论研究基础。简明扼要的提出了新的商业模式构建要素的理论基础。全文围绕三个重要的构成要素即淘套房盈利模式、淘套房业务体系、淘套房的持续发展战略,给出了建设中的二手房移动互联平台——淘套房平台构建方案以及商业模式构建方案。为筹建二手房移动互联平台淘套房系统提出相应的战略规划以及具体的措施和解决方案。最后总结文献贡献、不足和下一步的研究方向。 二手房移动互联平台——淘套房成为有着革命性意义的移动互联营销综合平台,它应用二手房资讯、二手房知识、房源信息体念分享、评估系统、售后服务平台的全方位提供,让二手房交易的用户和潜在用户随时随地即可实现掌上二手房订房、租房、买卖整个流程,解脱在时间与空间上的束缚,极为迅捷地达到传统专业范围的知识与经验的收获。对加强移动互联技术在传统行业的应用,具有一定的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In twenty-first Century, the use of intelligent mobile phone is gradually let the people's way of life has undergone enormous changes, its influence is no less than a life of revolution, the mobile phone has APP technology can easily expand purchase, payment, provided near the hotel, hotel information service activities, people are accustomed to this new rhythm. According to the data the national urban population, the use of intelligent mobile phone is becoming more and more common way of life. In the family of 66%, used in the road is 59%, being used on vehicles is 52%, in restaurants and shopping malls in use were 38% and 30%, the use of Intelligent Mobile phone in the domestic urban population, the average there are fifteen APP was installed, including the number of toll program has an average of six. Three people have two people want to install more programs, the proportion reached 66%, ranking second in the world, mobile Internet will become A new point of social and economic growth.
With the continuous development of Chinese city urbanization, the real estate industry has become a hot industry, advanced rapid development. By the non - standard goods, new application change characteristics of real estate and the Internet combined with the graphic presentation, will promote the development of the real estate network products and services. At present, the real estate network service China model is towards diversified development path. In addition, the network has a wide range of transmission, and interaction between customers, the audience is easy to statistics, effectiveness, freedom, sensory ability, low cost advantages, greatly promote the smooth development of the real estate sales network.
The future will become after the sale of second-hand housing Yishoufang transaction growth. With the Internet and real estate mobile business model advantages will be more obvious. The magnificent business model is born along with the change of life style, the automotive industry in the car when the people came into being, in the computer, computer gradually into the public life, PC and software industry has produced a wide range of APP, depth into the people's life, the trends indicate that such great business opportunities, lifestyle changes, Ji'nan mobile Internet platform - Amoy suite "will become the change in the enterprise indispensable boosters, changing people's way of life. So, this paper will be in the mobile Internet fourth wave of science background, explore viable channel of traditional second-hand housing transaction information platform, build the reasonable The business model.
This paper is based on the traditional second-hand housing and modern mobile Internet second-hand housing business model for exploring the target, according to the profit model, business system, the continuous development of the three elements of study. Firstly, summarizes the main mobile Internet, related to the definition of the concept of the business model as the basic theoretical research. The theoretical basis of the elements of concise and to the point to build a new business model. The thesis focuses on the three important elements: Amoy profit model suite, suite Amoy business system, the sustainable development strategy of Amoy suites, given the second-hand housing in the construction of mobile Internet platform - Amoy suite platform construction and business model construction program. Put forward appropriate strategic planning and specific measures and the solution is to build the second-hand mobile Internet Platform Suite system. Finally summarizes the literature Amoy contribution, shortcomings and future research directions.
Mobile internet marketing platform has a revolutionary significance of second-hand mobile Internet platform - Amoy suite become, it used second-hand housing information, second-hand housing information to share knowledge, experience, evaluation system, comprehensive customer service platform to provide services, so that second-hand housing transactions of second-hand housing - Handheld users and potential users whenever and wherever possible. You can rent, sale of the entire process, free from the shackles in time and space, is extremely fast and reach the knowledge and experience of traditional professional range harvest. To strengthen the application of mobile Internet technology in the traditional industry, has a certain practical significance.



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