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发布时间:2018-01-08 07:26

  本文关键词:中山市西区中医健康养生产业集群发展战略的研究 出处:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 产业集群 中医药学 健康养生产业 政府

[Abstract]:Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese civilization, plays an important role in the development of the Chinese nation for 5000 years. Among them, the traditional Chinese medicine as a technical basis, through the health care means to achieve the purpose of longevity, the achievements of the Chinese health industry. Although our country has a long history, but the Chinese health as an emerging industry is still in the development of the initial stage. How to establish a market-oriented mechanism, the local government to promote the development of industrial cluster economy mode, so as to promote the cluster development of Chinese health industry, will carry forward traditional Chinese medicine, is a problem worthy of study and exploration, this paper is based on the theory of industrial cluster, the development of the Western District of Zhongshan City Chinese medicine health industry. The Western District of Zhongshan City, is the traditional strong economic area, especially the development of the service industry highly concentrated. In recent years, the country's largest single TCM Hospital of Zhongshan City hospital built in western new planning area led to the development of the rainbow,.2011 commercial real estate and the surrounding land, West in the development process of the "12th Five-Year" planning, give full consideration to China Italy health industry development decision on how to help the hospital resource advantage and leading role, hopes to revitalize city Hospital of surrounding land and property, vigorously develop the industry of Chinese health, thus promoting the development of economy and society. In this context, to explore the development strategy of the western development of Chinese health industry, for the western district government measures to promote decision-making. In the process of research, this paper use industrial cluster theory as the analysis basis, first analysis the current situation of the development of Chinese medicine health industry, industrial chain, industrial cluster, and then through the Potter diamond model analysis of the Western District of Zhongshan city in the development of medical health Industrial production elements, demand conditions and so on. And then through the SWOT analysis method, for the industry development advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats were analyzed. Through the comparison of the development of traditional Chinese health industry in the region of the advantages and disadvantages and challenges and opportunities of the comparative analysis, get the advantage in weaknesses, the opportunities outweigh the challenges of the last conclusion. And on the basis of this analysis, targeted for the Western District of how to further develop the advantages, avoid disadvantages; further seize the opportunity to effectively cope with challenges, puts forward the overall strategy of the development of Western medicine health industry, development goals, development planning, policy support, development steps.



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