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发布时间:2018-01-08 07:09

  本文关键词:张家港暨阳湖欢乐世界儿童主题公园设计 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 主题公园 人与自然 设计理念

【摘要】:儿童乐园的产生同城市绿地和城市公园的发展有密切关系,也和地方政府对于人民活动、休闲的重视程度有关,通过对大、小城市和农村的孩子作一个比较就会发现,像一些偏远山区和农村的孩子可能见都没见过游乐设施为何物,但是像在大城市生活的孩子对游乐设施却是好数家珍。儿童主题公园通常是福利意义,不以商业性盈利为目的,是公众对儿童关怀的体现,同时也是一种高投资、高管理、高要求的外部空间载体。 儿童主题公园有明确的场地,独立的经营主题和经营主体,清晰的道路系统和游乐分区,较为完善的设施和建筑群体。随着城市化进程的加速,中国的儿童公园现状存在诸多的缺陷和不足。很多的儿童公园出现“老龄化”的现象,各类的配置不完善,场地狭小,娱乐设备陈旧老化,绿化和娱乐设施的面积均不达标。有些公园几乎处于关闭的阶段,极少适合儿童游玩。虽然在一些城市大公园比较普遍地设置了儿童游戏区,居住区内的儿童活动区设置则是在上世纪90年代房地产大发展之后才得到重视的。一般在公园或者绿地中儿童活动区的设施都是比较简单的,而且不常更换,且大量的儿童活动设施,其维护和管理都存在较多的难点,出于安全、维护的要求,许多场所都采用了一种封闭性管理或者听之任之的放任管理,导致儿童乐园得不到及时的维护,儿童也得不到最好的服务。“玩”是儿童的天性,传统的中国教育模式使太多的儿童家长,一方面对孩子溺爱,含在嘴里怕化,捏在手里怕坏;另一方面望子成龙心切。家长过度保护而忽视孩子对自然的热爱。再者,对城市儿童来说从小生活在一个人工环境中,与自然脱离,被迫习惯将拥挤的街道、居住区和城市广场作为玩耍的场地,缺乏足够的户外活动。商业化的经营儿童乐园和功能化的设计虽然能够满足儿童的使用,但未必有利于儿童的成长。 因此本文以“人与自然结合”的儿童活动区为主要研究对象进行调查、分析和研究。让儿童亲近自然以及学会如何探索自然。儿童游乐园是儿童游戏的聚集地,不管是人造的游乐设施还是天然的像流水、山地、沙石等自然物,都在儿童游戏中起到了不可缺作用。对大多数儿童游戏活动而言,游戏园是一个催化剂。尽管大多数人认同儿童游戏对于儿童发展的重要性,但是往往忽视了游戏园对于儿童游戏开展的推动和促进作用。儿童主题公园作为儿童最主要的户外活动空间,在儿童的成长中起到重要的作用,儿童可以接受更多的信息,表达更多的愿望,得到更多的施展机会,更多地创造自己的世界。
[Abstract]:The generation of children's parks is closely related to the development of urban green space and urban parks, and also to the local government's attention to people's activities and leisure. A comparison of children in small cities and rural areas reveals that children in remote mountainous areas and rural areas may not have seen what recreational facilities are. But children living in big cities are good for recreation facilities. Children's theme parks are usually welfare, not for commercial profit, is a manifestation of public concern for children. At the same time is also a high investment, high management, high demand of the external space carrier. Children's theme park has a clear venue, independent management theme and main body, clear road system and recreation area, more perfect facilities and building groups. With the acceleration of urbanization process. There are many defects and deficiencies in the present situation of children's parks in China. Many children's parks have the phenomenon of "aging", various kinds of allocation is not perfect, the space is narrow, the entertainment equipment is old and aging. The area of greening and recreation facilities is not up to standard. Some parks are almost closed and rarely suitable for children to play, although children's play areas are more commonly set up in some large urban parks. The children's activity area in the residential area was set up in -10s after the great development of real estate. Generally in the park or green space in the children's activity area facilities are relatively simple, and not often replaced. And a large number of children's activities facilities, its maintenance and management are more difficult, out of safety, maintenance requirements, many places have adopted a closed management or laissez-faire management. "play" is the nature of children. The traditional Chinese education model makes too many parents of children, on the one hand, spoiling their children. Hold in your mouth afraid of change, hold in your hand afraid of bad; Parents, on the other hand, over-protect their children and ignore their children's love of nature. Moreover, urban children live in an artificial environment when they are young, separated from nature, and are forced to get used to crowded streets. The residential area and the city square are used as playing areas, lacking enough outdoor activities. Although the commercial management of children's parks and functional design can meet the needs of children, it may not be conducive to the growth of children. Therefore, this article takes the children's activity area of "the combination of man and nature" as the main research object to carry on the investigation. Analysis and research. Bring children close to nature and learn how to explore nature. Children's amusement park is a gathering place for children's games, whether it is artificial amusement facilities or natural objects such as income, mountains, sand and stone. Play Park is a catalyst for most children's games, although most people agree on the importance of children's play for children's development. However, it often ignores the role of play park in promoting and promoting children's play. As the most important outdoor activity space for children, children theme park plays an important role in the development of children. Children can receive more information, express more wishes, have more opportunities to play, and create their own world.


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