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发布时间:2018-01-08 12:37

  本文关键词:X集团员工招聘管理体系研究 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 招聘管理 岗位分析 胜任力 招聘评估 人职匹配分析

【摘要】:进入21世纪,,我国房地产开发及建筑行业成为社会普遍关注的热门领域,其行业发展势头的迅猛以及行业从业人员丰厚的待遇对广大择业者具有巨大的吸引力,许多专业相关的应届大学生及在职人员都力求能够获得进入业内优秀企业的就业机会,从业资格竞争十分激烈。然而随着国家宏观政策的调控方向发生变化,调控力度不断升级,房地产开发及建筑行业开始“转冷”,行业企业发展受到影响,提供的就业岗位减少,总体行业从业规模萎缩,而由此导致社会就业人群的择业方向也随之调整,选择进入该领域的人数总量大幅下滑。 行业发展趋势的回落,导致行业企业的竞争环境更加严峻,对人才的渴求程度更高,然而“招聘难招好员工更难”却成为当前行业企业普遍面临的问题,尤其是对于中小企业来讲,由于在资金、资质等方面不具有竞争优势,其自身经营发展更是依赖于人才的引进与培养。本文以X集团作为研究样本,在对X集团当前招聘管理工作存在的问题进行深入挖掘的同时,通过人力资源招聘管理相关理论的分析研究,得出导致X集团招聘管理工作问题出现的成因所在;并在此基础上,从规划落实、制定计划、组织实施以及效果评估等多方面针对性的提出相关整改措施,以达到优化集团招聘管理体系、提高集团招聘管理工作效率、提升招聘管理质量水平、乃至最终全面提升集团招聘管理体系对集团人力资源规划工作的支持力度的目的。具体的措施内容包括人力资源部经理通过制定科学的集团人力资源战略规划,以提高对集团总体战略的支持与落实水平;优化当前集团人力资源招聘管理流程设计,在制定招聘计划环节中重点提高岗位分析工作的全面性与准确性,确保其对之后招聘工作实施具有有效的指导作用;在招聘工作实施过程中,注重对应聘者同应聘岗位之间的人职匹配分析以及胜任力隐性要素的测评,同时通过提高用人部门参与面试工作的参与度和重视度,提高面试工作的实施水平,从而促进招聘成果的效率和质量;在人员录取环节,一方面通过加强合同管理,有效规避集团员工非正常离职所带来的用人风险,有效约束员工行为,另一方面加强新入职员工培训工作以提高对员工进一步评定及培养工作的能力水平;此外优化后的招聘体系将加强对招聘工作的评估工作,建立包括数量、质量、效率和成本四个维度的评估指标体系,分别从过程和结果两方面全面分析招聘管理整个流程,从而有效促进X集团招聘管理体系不断完善升级。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, China's real estate development and construction industry has become a popular area of social concern. The rapid development of the industry and the rich treatment of the industry employees to the vast number of job seekers have a great appeal. Many new college students and in-service professionals are striving to obtain employment opportunities to enter excellent enterprises in the industry, and the competition for their qualifications is very fierce. However, the direction of regulation and control has changed with the national macro policy. Regulation and control efforts continue to upgrade, real estate development and construction industry began to "cool", the development of industry enterprises affected, provide fewer jobs, the overall size of the industry shrinking. As a result, the employment orientation of social workers has been adjusted, and the total number of people who choose to enter the field has dropped sharply. With the decline of industry development trend, the competition environment of industry enterprises is more severe, and the demand for talents is higher. However, "it is more difficult to recruit good employees" has become a common problem faced by current industry enterprises. Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, due to the lack of competitive advantages in capital, qualifications and other aspects, its own business development is dependent on the introduction and cultivation of talent. This paper takes X Group as the research sample. At the same time, through the analysis of the theory of human resource recruitment management, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the current recruitment management of X Group. The causes of the problems in the recruitment management of X Group are obtained. And on this basis, from the planning implementation, formulation plans, organizational implementation and effect evaluation and other aspects of targeted measures to improve the group recruitment management system. Improve the efficiency of recruitment management, improve the quality of recruitment management. Finally, the purpose of the group recruitment management system to support the group human resources planning work. The specific measures include the human resources department manager through the formulation of scientific group human resources strategic planning. To improve the overall strategy of the group support and implementation level; Optimize the current group human resources recruitment management process design, in the development of recruitment plans to focus on improving the integrity and accuracy of post analysis, to ensure that it has an effective role in the implementation of recruitment; In the recruitment implementation process, pay attention to the job matching analysis between the candidate and the job candidates, as well as the evaluation of the hidden elements of competence, and at the same time, improve the participation and importance of the employment department in the interview. Improve the level of job interview implementation, thereby promoting the efficiency and quality of recruitment results; On the one hand, through strengthening the contract management, we can effectively avoid the employment risk caused by the abnormal turnover of the group employees, and effectively restrain the employees' behavior. On the other hand, strengthen the training of new staff to improve the ability of further evaluation and training of staff; In addition, the optimized recruitment system will strengthen the evaluation of recruitment work, and establish an evaluation index system including four dimensions: quantity, quality, efficiency and cost. The whole process of recruitment management is analyzed from two aspects of process and result respectively, so as to effectively promote the continuous improvement and upgrading of recruitment management system of X Group.


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