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发布时间:2018-01-08 17:21

  本文关键词:我国城镇居民住房财富分化的程度、特征及其影响研究 出处:《上海师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产 基尼系数 房地产财富差距 财富效应 居民消费

【摘要】:自1998年房地产市场化改革以来,我国房地产住宅市场发展迅速,住房的建设和销售整体呈逐年上升的趋势,城镇居民整体的住房水平得到了很大提高,住房财富逐渐成为居民家庭财富的重要组成部分。然而,住房全面社会化、商品化、市场化的改革影响的不只是局限于住宅市场本身,其中还伴随着居民住房拥有不均,市场化助涨财富价值从而加大居民收入差距等问题,不利于社会的稳定和发展。此外,随着居民住房财富的变化,财富效应还会对居民的消费支出行为产生影响,从而进一步影响到宏观经济。 本文利用大型微观家庭调查数据,对我国城镇居民住房财富分配效应导致的住房财富分化的演化路径和演化结构进行了刻画和分析,并进一步地,深入分析了住房财富与居民消费之间的关系,以期为宏观管理者提供有益的政策和建议,所做的主要工作和结论如下: (1)在住房财富分化程度和特征的研究中:借鉴基尼系数的测度原理测算了我国城镇居民住房财富的基尼系数,并运用群组分解和来源分解方法比较了不同家庭特征和不同住房来源对基尼系数的贡献,研究发现: 从2003年到2010年,我国城镇居民住房财富差距不断加大,并且大于收入差距;不同的家庭特征因素对其影响程度不一,组间贡献度从大至小依次为:区域差异、收入差距、所处单位性质不同、受教育程度不同、年龄差距和性别差异,收入因素成为导致住房财富差距的重要因素;投资性住房财富在城镇居民住房财富中所占比重越来越高,对城镇居民住房财富不平等有显著的促增作用。 (2)在住房财富分化影响的研究中:利用微观调查数据检验了我国城镇居民家庭总住房财富效应的存在性,并比较了不同收入阶层、不同地区、不同年龄段、不同住房类型家庭的住房财富效应的差异性,研究发现: 我国城镇居民家庭总住房财富对居民消费具有显著的促进作用,从2003年到2010年,财富效应呈现减弱趋势;住房财富效应的发挥在不同家庭间存在着差异,从收入差异性来说,中等偏高收入组以及高收入组家庭的住房财富效应要显著大于低收入组家庭,中等偏低收入组家庭的住房财富效应要显著偏低,中等收入组的家庭与低收入组家庭住房财富效应无显著差异;从地区差异性来看,东北地区家庭住房财富效应与中部地区无显著差异,东部地区和西部地区的财富效应相对要高于中部地区;从户主年龄差异性看,户主在30~40岁之间的家庭住房财富效应最大,30岁以下与40~50岁户主的家庭住房财富效应无显著差异,且财富效应最小;从住房类型来看,住房类型为完全自有的家庭住房财富效应与租住私房类型的家庭无显著差异,部分产权的家庭住房财富效应较弱,但不显著,单位提供的住房类型和免费居住的住房类型的财富效应要显著偏低,其中单位提供的住房类型财富效应最低。
[Abstract]:Since 1998, the real estate market reform, the market of real estate in China is developing rapidly, and the overall construction of housing sales showed a rising trend, the overall level of housing for urban residents has been greatly improved, housing wealth and household wealth has gradually become an important part of the overall housing. However, socialization, commercialization. Effect of market-oriented reform is not confined to the housing market itself, which is also accompanied by the residents of the housing have uneven, fueled the wealth value to increase residents' income gap problems such as the market, is not conducive to the stability and development of society. In addition, with changes in housing wealth, affect the consumption behavior of the wealth effect will be residents, thus further affects the macro economy.
In this paper, using micro data, evolution path and evolution of structure lead to housing wealth distribution effect of China's urban residents housing wealth differentiation were described and analyzed, and further, in-depth analysis of the relationship between housing wealth and consumption, in order to provide some policy and suggestions for macro management, mainly the work and conclusions are as follows:
(1) in the study of housing wealth differentiation and the characteristics of the reference measure principle: the Gene coefficient Gene coefficient estimates the housing wealth of urban residents in China, and by using the group decomposition and comparison of different sources of family characteristics and different sources of housing contributions to the Gene coefficients of decomposition method, the study found:
From 2003 to 2010, China's housing wealth gap between urban residents continue to increase, and greater than the income gap between different factors; family characteristics on the impact of a group contribution from large to small is as follows: the regional differences, the income gap between the units of different nature, different level of education, age and gender gap differences in income factors become an important factor in housing wealth gap; investment in housing wealth in urban residents housing wealth proportion is more and more high, the housing wealth inequality is promoting increased remarkably.
(2) the effect of housing wealth differentiation: to test the existence of Chinese Urban Households' total housing wealth effect by survey data, and compare the different income levels, different regions, different ages, different housing wealth effect of different types of housing families, the study found:
China's total urban households housing wealth has significant effect on household consumption, from 2003 to 2010, the wealth effect weakening trend; housing wealth effect in different family differences, from income differences, the housing wealth effect of medium to high income group and high income group family is significantly greater than the the low income group family, lower middle income group family housing wealth effect is significantly low, there was no significant difference between the medium income group family with low income family housing wealth effect; from regional differences, no significant differences in the east north area of family housing wealth effect and the wealth effect of the central region, the eastern region and western region relative higher than the central region; from the householder age difference, the 30 ~ 40 year old family housing wealth effect, under the age of 30 and 40 to 50 years old. No significant differences in family housing wealth effect and the wealth effect of the minimum; from the type of housing, housing type is no significant difference between the full family housing wealth effect and its own private rental type family, weak family housing wealth effect part of the property, but not significantly, the provision of housing units and free housing types the wealth effect to lower the type of housing wealth effect unit provides the lowest.



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