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发布时间:2018-01-08 21:03

  本文关键词:长春市多层住宅的演变与发展趋势研究 出处:《吉林建筑大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 长春市 多层住宅 演变 发展趋势

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy, the living standard of the people has been greatly improved. In addition, in 90s, our country began to implement the housing physical reform. To a large extent, the real estate market in China has been promoted. With the land resources began to be tight, multi-storey housing has been rapidly developed. The fierce competition of the real estate market has promoted the real estate developers to begin to pay attention to the design of housing. Many types of housing are designed. As a necessary environment for people to live, housing not only refers to the actual space form, but also includes the daily activities of people in its internal, but also involves residential culture. Geographical environment, national customs, cultural background, living habits and social development and other aspects. People's living habits are closely related to the formation of the inner space of housing. This paper mainly analyzes the housing in the period of Manchu period in Changchun City, the multi-storey residence in the early stage of the founding of New China and the contemporary multi-storey residence. This paper puts forward the basic characteristics of the future multi-storey residence. Through the discussion of green environmental protection, energy saving adaptability, intelligence and safety, it is concluded that the design of the future multi-storey residence should meet the requirements of green and energy saving. At the same time, through the study of intelligent allocation of indoor space, the scientific development content of comprehensive intelligence of multi-storey residential buildings in Changchun is further improved. Finally, it is proposed to provide a series of health for residential areas. Comfort, environmental protection and energy saving, green security of the external living space is necessary and development direction. The main research content of this paper is: first of all, the research background, purpose, significance, research status and methods. The content of this paper is described to lay a foundation for the study; Secondly, to introduce the history of Changchun multi-storey housing, to explain the origin and development of multi-storey housing in Changchun, and to introduce the housing in Changchun in the period of pseudo-Manchuria and the founding of New China. Third, the analysis of the contemporary evolution of multi-storey housing in Changchun, the specific situation of multi-storey housing, technical system, characteristics, spatial characteristics, development of the analysis; In 4th, the influence factors and trends of the development of multi-storey housing in Changchun are analyzed, and the influence of use demand and housing mode are analyzed, and the development trend and improvement measures of multi-storey housing in Changchun are expounded. Finally, a summary of the full text is made.


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