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发布时间:2018-01-09 19:16

  本文关键词:杭州建新浮法玻璃工业有限公司大客户营销管理研究 出处:《浙江工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 大客户营销 关系营销 玻璃深加工 客户生命周期

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of national economy and the continuous growth of real estate investment, the development of glass deep processing industry, which is deeply related to the real estate industry, is facing great opportunities and challenges. Many companies have entered the glass deep processing industry. We take profit as the ultimate goal, blind expansion, market competition is in chaos, there is a need for a new concept to rationalize the market. This paper takes Hangzhou Jianxin float Glass Industry Co., Ltd as an example. This paper analyzes and studies the marketing management of Jianxin Company from the angle of major account marketing. In order to provide a reference for the orderly competition of the whole glass deep processing industry. Firstly, this paper describes the relationship marketing theory and the major customer marketing theory related research. In theory, it shows that the marketing of large customers is the only way for enterprises to survive and develop. At the same time, this paper introduces the research background, research methods and research framework, and then uses PEST analysis to analyze the macro environment of Jianxin Company. Using Porter's five-force model to analyze the competitive environment of the industry, and then combined with the internal environment of the enterprise to carry out SWOT analysis of Jianxin Company. How to adapt to the changing market of Jianxin company put forward the necessity and importance of the company to implement the key account marketing strategy, finally is the focus of the paper, take Jianxin company as an example. Using relationship marketing theory, customer life cycle theory and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this paper studies in detail how Jianxin Company chooses the marketing strategy to evaluate, develop and manage the key customers. Finally, the paper draws a conclusion. The key customer marketing of Jianxin Company is the first choice strategy under the competition of glass deep processing industry, which is feasible and necessary. Although the research of this paper takes Jianxin Company as an example. But to the whole glass deep processing industry and other industrial products industry marketing have reference value.


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