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发布时间:2018-01-10 03:18

  本文关键词:中国保障性合作建房的困境与出路研究 出处:《暨南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 住房保障 合作建房 交易费用

【摘要】:住房货币化改革以来,居民住房条件得到一定改善,但也带来了土地与住房价格暴涨、房地产市场过热,金融违约风险上升等问题。随着城市化进程加快,如何解决中低收入家庭的住房需求问题,需要新的角度与智慧。本文认为,作为一种特殊的住房保障形式,合作建房有其存在的价值与必要,它不仅能对房地产泡沫产生一定的挤出效应,保障中低收入阶层的住房权利,同时也对我国社会的民主建设与公民参与大有裨益,政府应将经济适用房与合作建房进行结合,共同促进住房保障制度的发展与完善。 本文通过跨学科研究、定性研究和案例研究法,首先对我国合作建房各个时期的发展历史与政策演进进行梳理,利用交易费用理论比较了集体合作建房与个人合作建房的成本,,探析了个人合作建房在法律与政策上的困境。进而依据合作建房发展水平,选取了德国、瑞典作为案例对象,分析了两国住宅合作社的组织模式与政府相应的土地、法律、金融、财税政策。并通过分析我国房地产业、制造业现状,得出合作建房在民生方面、房地产产业转型方面、国家调控方面以及宏观经济方面所具有的价值和意义,论证合作建房存在与发展必要性。在此基础上,本文最后尝试对我国合作建房模式提供新的发展思路,并设计了一套具体政策运作方式。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of housing monetization, the housing conditions of residents have been improved, but also brought about land and housing prices skyrocketing, real estate market overheating, financial default risk rising and so on. How to solve the housing demand of low- and middle-income families needs a new perspective and wisdom. As a special form of housing security, cooperative housing construction has its value and necessity. It can not only produce a certain crowding out effect to the real estate bubble and protect the housing rights of the middle and low income class, but also benefit the democratic construction and citizen participation of our society. The government should combine comfortable housing and cooperative housing construction to promote the development and improvement of housing security system. Through interdisciplinary research, qualitative research and case study, this paper firstly combs the development history and policy evolution of each period of cooperative housing construction in China. Based on the transaction cost theory, this paper compares the cost of collective cooperative housing construction and individual cooperative housing construction, analyzes the legal and policy dilemma of individual cooperative housing construction, and then selects Germany according to the development level of cooperative housing construction. Sweden as the object of the case, analyzed the two countries housing cooperative organization model and the corresponding government land, law, finance, fiscal and tax policies, and through the analysis of China's real estate, manufacturing status. Get the value and significance of cooperative housing construction in people's livelihood, real estate industry transformation, national regulation and control and macroeconomic aspects, demonstrate the existence and development of cooperative housing. On this basis. Finally, this paper tries to provide a new way of development for the cooperative housing construction mode in China, and designs a set of concrete policy operation mode.


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