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发布时间:2018-01-10 03:33

  本文关键词:论军队房地产流失的民事救济 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 军队房地产 军队房地产流失 民事救济

【摘要】:在我国土地资源日益紧缺、军队事实上允许部分房地产参与市场交易的大背景下,军队房地产因违规交易而引发纠纷的现象层出不穷,直接威胁了产权的安全和完整。本文所称的军队房地产流失,是指在以军队房地产为标的的交易活动中,因违反法律法规所导致的军队的土地使用权和房屋所有权受到损害的情况。本文共分四章,第一章为绪论,,第二至第四章分别研究了军队房地产流失民事救济存在的问题、制度原因以及对策建议。 当前军队房地产流失民事救济主要存在三方面问题:其一是军队房地产处分权主体与诉讼主体的不当分离。司法实践中普遍由那些对军队房地产没有处分权的单位代表军方行使诉权,容易导致以司法的合法形式侵害军队房地产实体权利人合法利益的后果。其二是军队房地产保护制度在民事救济实践中难以完全适用。在相关司法实践中,军方诉讼当事人时常以国防资产专属于国家所有、军队房地产属于国防资产为由,主张军队房地产交易合同无效或者军队房地产不适用善意取制度,但往往不获支持。其三是“内部追偿”的缺失。目前军队对其所属房地产流失的民事救济,只注重向军队房地产交易合同相对人追索,尚无向军队内部失职管理人员追究民事责任的先例。 上述军队房地产流失民事救济存在的问题,主要原因在于国防资产专属国家所有制度、军队房地产交易审批制度以及相关基本民事制度的不足。国防资产专属国有所有的规定与其他法律法规存在矛盾,军队房地产是否一定属于国防资产并不明晰;军事法规和军事规章虽然对军队房地产交易规定了严格的审批程序,但内容不够合理,效力范围也比较窄;合同无效制度没有顾及违反军事法规强制性规定的情形,属于立法漏洞;军队内部管理人员对军队房地产流失具有不可推卸的责任,但如何追究其民事责任,相关的法律依据还不够明确。 完善军队房地产民事救济制度,首先应完善军队房地产分类保护制度,修改现行法律关于国防资产专属国家所有的一般规定,规定属于“军事设施”的军队房地产才专属于国家所有;其次要重视民事法律与军事法规和军事规章的衔接,完善合同无效制度,细化追究军队内部管理人员民事责任的法律依据;最后要适当扩张军队房地产民事救济中军方诉讼主体的范围,为军队房地产处分权主体与诉讼主体相分离的做法提供法律依据,并赋予军事检察机关追究军队内部管理人员民事责任的资格。
[Abstract]:In the light of the shortage of land resources in our country and the fact that some real estate is allowed to participate in the market transaction , the military real estate has threatened the security and integrity of the property right because of the violation of laws and regulations . The article is divided into four chapters , the first chapter is the introduction , and the second to fourth chapters respectively study the problem , the system reason and the countermeasure suggestion of the civil remedy of the loss of the army ' s real estate . There are three main problems in the civil relief of the current army ' s real estate loss : one is the improper separation of the main body of the military real estate and the main body of the lawsuit . The second is that the military real estate protection system is difficult to fully apply in the practice of civil remedies . The third is the lack of internal recourse . The main reason is that the defense assets belong to the state owned system , the army real estate transaction approval system and the deficiency of the basic civil system . In order to perfect the civil remedy system of the military real estate , firstly , we should perfect the protection system of the military real estate classification , modify the current law on the general provisions of the state owned by the national defense assets , stipulate that the military real estate belonging to " military installations " belong to the state all ; secondly , attach importance to the connection between the civil law and the military regulations and the military regulations , perfect the legal basis of the civil liability of the internal management personnel of the army , and provide the legal basis for the separation between the main body of the military real estate and the main body of the lawsuit , and give the military procuratorial organs the qualification of the civil liability of the internal management personnel of the army .



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