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发布时间:2018-01-10 07:24

  本文关键词:房地产市场金融监管比较研究 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产市场 金融监管 金融危机

【摘要】:金融危机背景下金融监管法律变革是近年来资本市场研究的核心课题。在自由主义思潮的影响下,过度放松的监管终于导致2008年美国次贷危机的全面爆发并在很短的时间内席卷全球,形成巨大的金融浩劫。本次金融危机破坏力之大,影响范围之广在历史上都是空前。其中特别受到人们关注的是,本次金融危机与房地产市场有着千丝万缕的关系,其孕育于房地产市场,并随着次级贷款的扩展而最终流毒全球。房地产市场可以说是金融大市的晴雨表。 国内外学者在金融危机背景下的分析、主要集中于对金融危机的发生到扩散的原因以及金融监管立法的研究,但是对房地产领域金融监管的研究却并不多见。相关的论述主要散见于对房地产行业的专门分析以及金融监管立法对房地产行业影响的相关报告。笔者尝试以比较的眼光,一方面以金融危机为时间节点,对比欧美发达国家,尤其是美国在金融危机前后针对房地产市场的不同金融监管政策;另一方面,对比中外房地产金融的不同现状和制度,以求为中国房地产金融市场的长治久安献计献策。 本文主要分为四个部分。第一部分,主要介绍金融危机以及房地产市场的内涵,并着重分析金融危机与房地产市场的关联以及金融危机的影响。第二部分主要着力剖析房地产金融监管的相关概念,分析金融监管的目的,主体,对象以及方式。第三部分,立足于金融危机大背景,对比金融危机前后欧美金融监管立法的变化和在房地产金融监管上的不同策略。第四部分着力分析中国目前房地产金融监管的不足和隐患,同时借鉴欧美先进金融监管思想,提出自己的建议和看法。
[Abstract]:The change law of financial supervision under the background of financial crisis is the core issue of capital market research in recent years. The influence of liberalism, the supervision over relaxed finally led to the 2008 U.S. subprime mortgage crisis broke out and swept the world in a very short period of time, the formation of a huge financial catastrophe. The financial crisis devastating. The wide range of influence in history is unprecedented. The special attention is that the financial crisis and the real estate market are inextricably linked, conceived in the real estate market, and with the expansion of subprime loans and eventually out of world. Real estate market can be said to be a barometer of financial market.
The analysis in the context of the financial crisis at home and abroad, mainly focus on the financial crisis to spread the reasons and research of financial supervision legislation, but the research on the real estate financial regulation is rare. The relevant report on the real estate industry specialized analysis and legislation of financial supervision of the real estate industry influence this are mainly related. The author tries to comparative perspective, on the one hand, the financial crisis for the time node, compared with developed countries, especially in the United States before and after the financial crisis, the real estate market for different financial regulatory policy; on the other hand, comparison of Chinese and foreign real estate finance situation and different system, in order to contribute to the real China the real estate finance market long period of stability and suggestions.
This paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the connotation of the financial crisis and the real estate market, and focus on analysis of related financial crisis and the real estate market and the financial crisis. The second part mainly focus on the analysis of related concepts of real estate financial supervision, financial supervision analysis purpose, subject, object and the way. The third part, based on the background of the financial crisis, the financial crisis before and after the change of financial supervision and legislation and supervision in the real estate finance on different strategies. The fourth part focuses on the analysis of the current real estate financial supervision China deficiencies and problems, at the same time from Europe and the United States advanced financial supervision theory, put forward their own proposals and views.



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