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发布时间:2018-01-10 07:42

  本文关键词:S公司内部拖车的精细化管理 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 内拖 优化 成本 管理 精细化

【摘要】:“精细化是未来十年必经之路”万科董事长王石曾告诫房地产企业。这句话不仅仅适用于房地产企业,更适合像集装箱码头这种劳动密集型企业。近年来,码头人工成本不断攀升,航运业整体环境不景气。船公司对码头的服务要求越来越苛刻,他们希望港口提高服务质量。船舶早靠早离,尽量缩短在港停靠时间以减少运营成本。港口企业面临内外双重压力,加上码头竞争日趋恶化,企业如何内部挖潜、降本增效,提高企业抵御风险能力,精细化管理势在必行。 S公司位于深圳西部,而在深圳集装箱码头的竞争尤为激烈。深圳东部有全球最大的集装箱码头—盐田国际集装箱码头,其在深圳的市场份额达到近50%,而在西部除了有S公司,还有赤湾码头有限公司和大产湾码头有限公司,S公司的市场份儿不足20%。这种情况下,竞争进入白热化,而对客户的服务亦不能有丝毫的松懈,不然就会被竞争对手抢走。近几年通过技术上的改善,降低了能耗的成本,且成效显著。从公司成本结构来看,目前最大的成本支出是内拖的费用。因此本文主要分析内部拖车的精细化管理。 文章结合国内外码头拖车管理现状,分析内部拖车现行管理过程中出现的问题,从精细化拖车出勤与派工,多手段提高拖车效能,优化成本支出三方面提出码头内部精细化管理的建议方案。通过此方案的实施能达到促进精细化管理进一步落实和同等条件下提高客户服务水平的预期效果。
[Abstract]:Fine is the only way which must be passed "the next ten years Vanke chairman Wang Shi told the real estate enterprises. This sentence is not only suitable for the real estate enterprises, more suitable for the container terminal like this labor-intensive enterprises. In recent years, wharf labor costs continue to rise, the overall environment of the shipping industry downturn. The shipping company to dock service request more and more harsh, they hope to improve the quality of service. The port ship early on from the early, try to shorten the dwell time in Hong Kong to reduce operating costs. The port enterprises are facing double pressure, plus the terminal competition is becoming worse, how the enterprise internal potential, lowering the efficiency of enterprises, improve the ability to resist risks, meticulous management is imperative.
S company is located in the west of Shenzhen, and in Shenzhen container terminal competition is particularly fierce. In eastern Shenzhen have the world's largest container terminal - Yantian international container terminals, which reached nearly 50% market share in Shenzhen, and in the West in addition to S company, and Chiwan Terminal Co. Ltd. and big Bay Wharf Co., Ltd S the market share of less than 20%. in this case, the competition is heating up, and the customer service will not have the slightest slack, or it will be rivals. Through the improvement of the technology in recent years, the cost of reducing energy consumption, and achieved remarkable results. From the company's cost structure, the biggest cost is drag the cost. So this paper mainly analysis the fine management inside the trailer.
The paper combined with the status of foreign terminal tractor management in China, analysis of internal management problems in the process of the trailer, the trailer from the meticulous attendance and work, more means to improve the effectiveness of the proposal trailer, terminal internal fine management optimization costs three aspects. Through the implementation of this scheme can achieve the desired effect in improving the level of customer service promotion fine management to further implement and under the same conditions.



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