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发布时间:2018-01-11 06:08

  本文关键词:珠江新城F购物中心项目开发策划书 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业地产投资 项目策划 财务评价

【摘要】:随着国民经济的持续增长和居民消费结构的提升,为房地产行业提供了高速发展的机会,也使房地产业面对更加激烈的竞争。房地产行业是典型的资金密集型行业,具有投资大、风险高、周期久、供应链长、地域性强的特点。本策划书通过对房地产项目的前期市场调研和形势环境分析,项目的目标市场和SWOT分析,竞争力和营销策略分析以及财务评价和执行控制,形成一个全方位、全过程的策划方案,以指导项目公司开发建设F购物中心,测算该项目投资方案的良好收益,。借助本策划书的撰写,希望能够建立一套科学有效的商业项目开发程序,以帮助更多企业能够充分了解和评价商业地产开发项目过程以及规律,从而减少开发经营的风险,获取项目预期的效益和利润。 本策划书首先通过对背景公司、项目概况等方面的描述,充分证明G公司具有项目开发的实力;其次本文采用SWOT分析法综合应用,使企业能够既清晰地认识到项目自身的优势和劣势,帮助企业发现和利用自身的竞争优势;同时,在项目市场营销分析中,始终贯穿品牌营销理念,特别家门口购物中心的理念,,希望通过对目标市场和目标客户的详尽分析和精准定位,迅速、成功地建立市场品牌和知名度,塑造出自己强势的品牌;最后通过对项目的开发成本费用和租赁收入的测算,在此基础上进行项目的财务测算与经济分析,论证得出整个项目的经济评价比较理想。
[Abstract]:With the continuous growth of the national economy and the promotion of consumer structure, the real estate industry provides a rapid development opportunity. The real estate industry is a typical capital-intensive industry with large investment, high risk, long cycle and long supply chain. Strong regional characteristics. This planning book through the real estate project market research and situation environment analysis, the project's target market and SWOT analysis. Competitiveness and marketing strategy analysis, as well as financial evaluation and implementation control, to form a comprehensive, whole-process planning plan to guide the project company to develop and build F shopping center. With the help of this plan, we hope to establish a set of scientific and effective commercial project development procedures. In order to help more enterprises to fully understand and evaluate the commercial real estate development project process and rules, so as to reduce the risk of development and management, and obtain the expected benefits and profits of the project. This planning book first through the background company, project overview and other aspects of the description, fully proved that G company has the strength of project development; Secondly, this paper uses the SWOT analysis method to make the enterprise recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the project clearly, and help the enterprise to discover and utilize its own competitive advantage. At the same time, in the project marketing analysis, always throughout the brand marketing concept, especially the concept of the shopping center at the door of the home, hope to target market and target customers through detailed analysis and accurate positioning, quickly. Successfully establish the market brand and visibility, shape their own strong brand; Finally, through the calculation of the project development cost and rental income, the financial calculation and economic analysis of the project are carried out on the basis of which, the economic evaluation of the whole project is proved to be more ideal.


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