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发布时间:2018-01-11 08:34

  本文关键词:西安高科绿水东城项目前期策划研究 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 前期策划 市场细分 项目定位 营销推广

【摘要】:近年来,房地产开发项目策划已经成为房地产开发与经营活动中非常重要的工作。对于房地产企业而言,实现科学的、规范化的管理,同时保证所开发的每一个项目取得成功,从而实现企业的目标利润,就离不开科学的决策。因此,必须确保项目前期策划方案科学、合理。因此,对项目的前期策划研究是必不可少的,探索适合于房地产企业的项目决策方式并执行决策方案,不仅能够丰富相关理论,而且还有益于企业解决具体的经营决策问题。 本文首先从我国及西安地区房地产发展现状分析入手,对于高科绿水东城项目进行了简单描述,并做了详细的SWOT分析,对项目定位进行了分析总结;根据项目初步定位结论,分别从项目建设规划、项目价格定位、项目营销策划、项目财务策划几个方面进行前期策划研究,从而使项目开发的科学性和可操作性得到了有效保障。决策流程不论从效率上还是效果上,都保障了项目开发的实施。从项目前期策划研究的过程以及项目后来的实施效果来看,前期决策方案获得了初步的成功。 通过项目后期开发过程的实施,验证了对高科绿水东城项目的前期策划研究的科学性和合理性,也进一步说明在房地产开发项目过程中,前期策划工作的重要性,,是支撑房地产项目成功开发的基础工作和必不可少的环节。通过本文的研究,为绿水东城定位、规划设计以及后续营销提供了理论支持和指导。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate development project planning has become a very important real estate development and management activities in the work. For real estate enterprises to achieve scientific and standardized management, and ensure each project development success, so as to realize the enterprise's target profit, we cannot do without a scientific decision therefore, must ensure that the project planning scheme scientifically, reasonable. Therefore, in the planning stage of the project research is essential, for exploring the suitable project decision-making mode of real estate enterprises and the implementation of decision-making plan, can not only enrich the relevant theory, but also has the benefit of business enterprises to solve decision problems.
This paper starts from the present situation of China and Xi'an area real estate development analysis for green tech project Dongcheng are described briefly, and do a detailed analysis of the SWOT, the project positioning were analyzed and summarized according to the preliminary conclusion; the location of the project, from project construction planning, project price positioning, project marketing planning, project finance planning aspects of pre planning research, so that scientific development projects and operation have been effectively protected. No matter from the decision-making process of efficiency or effect, guarantee the project development and implementation. The implementation of planning research from the project process and project later effect, early decision scheme to obtain the preliminary success.
Through the implementation of the project late in the development process, verify the pre project planning for green tech Dongcheng research science and rationality, also further explained that in the real estate development projects in the process, the importance of pre planning, is to support the successful development of the real estate project foundation work and an essential part. Through this study, to Green East orientation, provides theoretical support and guidance of planning and design and subsequent marketing.



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