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发布时间:2018-01-11 22:12

  本文关键词:太阳世纪地产公司半山道1号楼盘营销策略研究 出处:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 营销模式 豪宅营销 组合模式营销

【摘要】:近年,我国出现了房价的全国性上涨。尤其是北、上、广、深几个城市,房价上浮幅度之大,范围之广,在我国房地产历史上是少有的。房子是百姓的生活必需品,房地产业又汇集了大部分的资金。所以,房产动态时刻牵动着大家的敏感神经。此外,中国开发商的自有资金严重不足自有资金比重低。我国的房地产的开发建设,投资商多数欠缺资金,仅30%资金为自由资金,其他资金全部来源于银行贷款。由于投入的自有资金少,开发商回笼资金的压力小,他们有足够的耐心哄抬房价牟取暴利。不仅开发商的资金严重依靠金融机构,个人住房按揭贷款同样严重依赖银行。 随着房地产市场竞争日益激烈,各项房地产限制政策的推出,房地产行业也面临着新一轮洗牌,其核心的业务模块营销不仅停留于表面,而要注重内涵的挖掘,倡导一种更深层次,更有力量的营销模式。 本文所研究的半山道1号是太阳世纪地产集团有限公司即将发售的楼盘,也是公司自成立以来推出的第一个项目。该项目位于深圳市罗湖区清水河和龙岗区布吉的交界处,罗湖北、清坪高速近凤仪山隧道处。物业共521户,分高层、联排、双拼和独栋别墅。由于所有户型都是超过90平米的大户型,该项目销售势必将受到7090政策以及限购政策的影响,这也是楼盘营销的硬伤,严控的政策无疑增加了半山道1号楼盘项目的销售难度。 如何在日益变换的大环境以及相关限制政策出台后,响应市场变化,公司营销策略的研究、制定和执行至关重要。正确的营销策略有助于公司走出迷茫,达到预期目标。太阳世纪作为新进入中国内地的港资房地产企业,公司没有房地产的营销经验,尽管如此,依托公司强大经济实力背景,以及楼盘的高端定位,志在将其打造成为一个精品项目。 本文通过PEST分析方法,SWOT分析法、4P营销策略以及企业内部分析方法以及项目经营现状分析最终得出项目的推广节点、推广方案以及推广费用。 本案的方案要点:1.突出楼盘项目的高端性;2.突出项目的稀缺性和特色,即建于海拔高达80米的山地,迎合香港人士和老罗湖居民的喜爱,客户群体至少三分之一来自以上人员。最终确定分两期销售,第一期为预售阶段,价格比较低,为了达到资金回笼的目的;第二期为现售,提高价格以及楼盘知名度。 本文旨在对其进行研究总结,系统化、理论化的整理出公司的营销模式,也可为公司在全国范围的工作开展提供有利的指导,具有很强的现实意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, there has been a nationwide rise in house prices in China. In the history of real estate in our country is rare. The house is the people's necessities of life, the real estate industry has collected most of the funds. Therefore, the real estate dynamic moment affects everyone's sensitive nerve. In addition. Chinese developers have a serious shortage of their own funds. In the development and construction of real estate in China, most investors lack funds, only 30% funds are free funds. All other funds come from bank loans. Due to the small investment of their own funds, developers have less pressure to withdraw funds. They are patient enough to drive up property prices for windfall profits. Not only are developers heavily dependent on financial institutions, but individual home mortgages are also heavily dependent on banks. With the increasingly fierce competition in the real estate market, the introduction of various real estate restrictions, the real estate industry is also facing a new round of reshuffle, its core business module marketing not only stay on the surface. We should pay attention to the excavation of connotation and advocate a deeper and more powerful marketing model. The 1 Banshan Road studied in this paper is an upcoming sale of Sun Century Real Estate Group Limited. It is also the first project launched by the company since its establishment. The project is located at the junction of Qingshuihe in Luohu district of Shenzhen and Buji in Longgang district, LuoHubei, Qingping expressway near Fengyi mountain tunnel. There are 521 properties. As all units are larger than 90 square meters, the sales of the project will inevitably be affected by the 7090 policy and the purchase restriction policy. This is also the harms of property marketing, strict control of the policy undoubtedly increased the sale of the project Mishan Road 1 difficulty. How to respond to the market changes in the changing environment and related restrictive policies, the research, formulation and implementation of the company marketing strategy is very important. The correct marketing strategy can help the company out of confusion. The company has no real estate marketing experience, however, relying on the strong economic strength of the company background, and the high-end positioning of the real estate. Aim to turn it into a quality project. This article through the PEST analysis method SWOT analysis method 4P marketing strategy, the enterprise internal analysis method and the project management present situation analysis finally obtains the project promotion node. Extension scheme and promotion cost. The main point of the project of this case is: 1. Highlight the high-end nature of the real estate project; 2. Highlight the scarcity and characteristics of the project, that is, it is built in a mountainous area as high as 80 metres above sea level to cater for the love of Hong Kong people and Lo Wu residents. Customer group at least 1/3 from above personnel. The final decision is divided into two sales, the first phase is the pre-sale phase, the price is relatively low, in order to achieve the purpose of the return of funds; The second phase is for sale, raising prices and building visibility. The purpose of this paper is to summarize, systematize and theorize the marketing model of the company, and to provide favorable guidance for the company to carry out the work in the whole country, which is of great practical significance.


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