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发布时间:2018-01-11 23:01

  本文关键词:JHZY借壳上市案例分析 出处:《哈尔滨商业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 房地产企业 因子分析法 借壳上市

[Abstract]:Nowadays, economic globalization makes the development goal of many enterprises is to achieve market to obtain financing, but direct listing will take a relatively long time, the enterprise cannot obtain funds as soon as possible, and to apply for listing of cumbersome procedures, application specifications very carefully. Then, take the "backdoor" method has become the preferred choice of many enterprises because it, to raise funds for a relatively short time, can meet their own needs. First, in our country there is a "backdoor listing", because a company wants to achieve in Hongkong listed financing, so the acquisition of a Hong Kong enterprises. Of course, our "backdoor listing" theory appeared relatively late study, scholars on it is relatively small, so there are many deficiencies in this aspect, on the legal laws and regulations, the provisions are lacking. From our real estate enterprises from the perspective of a That cannot be ignored. The enterprise financing difficult for Real Estate Company to spend a lot of money in buying land for housing, because of its particularity, the sale proceeds can not timely fill cost gap. However, more and more restrictive conditions of commercial bank loans to more demanding, the loan amount is also more and more low, can not meet the Real Estate Company the needs of the development of Real Estate Company, the stagnant. Especially the capital market for listed companies can be strict, to enter the capital market through the IPO small, relatively speaking, the company scale is relatively large. But in our country, the small and medium-sized enterprise occupies large proportion in real estate enterprises, IPO doesn't work this way, so most companies are pleased the choice of backdoor listing this way. Restrictions can not only avoid the IPO, also can realize their own capital adequacy, makes the enterprise faster For better development, give full play to its advantages, enhance the management capacity. This paper is based on the real estate enterprises -- JHZY HBJH achieve successful backdoor listing case indirectly analyzed, pointed out that there are problems in the case of JHZY HBJH backdoor, backdoor listing Real Estate Company and give the countermeasures and suggestions, provide a reference for everyone. The combination of the real estate industry macro background, introduces the basic concepts of backdoor listing, backdoor JHZY including the background of the case, a detailed description of the operation process of the backdoor listing, analyzes the transaction motive of the two parties, the transaction process, summed up the problems, how to effectively solve the problem also get the corresponding answer. Combined with the backdoor listing, the method to evaluate the performance of JH shares through factor analysis. This relates to the financial index The analysis, finally it can be concluded that the company backdoor expand the financing channels, the financial situation has been improved to some extent, the market for backdoor response is good, enterprise value increased. Based on the above analysis, we can say that this is a backdoor listing of HBJH JHZY growth ability.



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