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发布时间:2018-01-12 08:21

  本文关键词:资本要素收入对收入分配差距的影响分析 出处:《云南财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 收入分配差距 基尼系数 资本要素收入 经济发展

[Abstract]:Chinese after the reform and opening up and economic development in the past thirty years, the economic and social condition has changed obviously, the guiding role of the market has gradually increased in the economy, the economic growth rate continues to increase. But in recent years, China's GDP growth rate has been reduced to 2015, the growth rate of GDP dropped to 6.9%, the lowest since 1990. With the slowdown in economic growth, the income gap in society has been revealed, and the uneven distribution of income and the degree of influence on society, economic development is also growing. In recent years in China's capital market, especially the real estate market overheating caused capital the share of income is rising continuously, on the other hand, the labor income distribution share declined year by year in income distribution share. At present how to correctly understand and analysis of residents income The relationship between the income gap and capital income distribution and economic growth, the two affect each other, China will further reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, the completion of a comprehensive poverty alleviation task, at the same time for has theoretical and practical significance to promote the healthy growth of China's economy. This paper starts from the factors of income and income gap in the theoretical analysis, the overall the definition of elements of income distribution and classification, and then analysis of the results of the impact between data and the reality of the situation. In static and dynamic conditions, capital income distribution proportion of the expansion will make the residents income inequality worsened in social income. From the reality of China's data, capital factor income share has been rising over the past few years, the provincial point of view in recent years only a slow decline. The overall income gap in our country, the income gap between urban and rural areas, income difference Distance and the income gap between different regions in these years with the rapid expansion of the trend. In the analysis of the theory and current situation, the urban and rural Gini coefficient as the explanatory variable, the capital income share with other economic development, regional development, employment structure and other factors as explanatory variables, establish econometric model for empirical analysis the selected data. The results show that the capital income share will significantly affect the gap of income distribution in China, while the level of economic development, the degree of development in the region, various factors of employment structure change have a profound impact on the gap of income distribution in China. Finally, according to the actual situation and the empirical results show that, the comprehensive poverty alleviation accelerate center-west region urbanization progress, accelerate industrial restructuring and upgrading, support small and medium enterprises, strengthen government guidance and regulation, perfecting the market mechanism, reduce capital Income share in order to narrow the gap between the income and distribution of residents.



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