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发布时间:2018-01-12 14:32

  本文关键词:在役建筑增层可行性预判及工程应用研究 出处:《山东农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 在役建筑 增层改造 可靠性 预估 ANSYS 抗震

[Abstract]:Along with the engineering technology and the rapid development of real estate industry on the upgrade, now many of the old buildings in service has become the economic development and social advancement. For the old buildings in service are not, such as the demolition and reconstruction of abandoned or idle, is likely to cause pollution and safety hazards on the surrounding environment, causing unnecessary the loss. So in recent years, the national government and the domestic and foreign designers attention old in dealing with the problem of existing building. In the original old buildings in service on increasing storey renovated, can not only change the appearance of the original building, but also to increase the use of the building area, improve the use of the building, to the effect of 1+12, which increased floor renovation project economic benefit is better than reconstruction in service buildings. So some buildings in service by layer transformation, not only accords with the development trend of the times, to Also plays an important role in the long-term development of China's economic growth in the transformation of the existing building layer. It has not formed a system of regulations and norms, and now we for increasing storey buildings in service is still in the design institute by using existing data, accurate calculation by software. This will cost a lot of time and money building the result is not satisfactory. In this paper, by consulting a large number of domestic and foreign literature, the use of the length of time through the building, the specific use of the original understanding of the building, improve the foundation bearing capacity based on the summary and put forward the anticipation and prediction method, this method can be used to quickly judge the frame structure and masonry structure, it can be by layers and layers of increasing many scientific and reasonable estimates, the advantages and disadvantages of each other by layer method are explained, and according to the needs of its choice Reasonable and simple reforming project evaluation standard, so that it is the construction side to save a lot of manpower and resources, increase the efficiency of engineering examples in Tai'an city. According to the framework of commercial building by layer, based on the engineering design and calculation software PKPM layer reconstruction scheme, using large-scale finite element software ANSYS modal analysis and under the action of earthquake on the time history analysis, to explore the changes of multilayer structure before and after the safety index changes and seismic rules. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1, briefly introduces the background and significance of heightening reform; 2, a brief overview of the research status at home and abroad by the transformation layer; 3, professional interpretation of the reliability theory and the development of the existing building structure reliability appraisal process; 4, fully explored the feasibility and prediction of modifying layers in detail at this stage by layer modification The commonly used scheme by layer technology and its application in engineering; 5, combined with the engineering examples of the use of PKPM PMCAD modeling and SATWE module structure internal force calculation of the original structure need additional layer modification, gain layer before the relevant data structure and relationship, and determine whether the structure is suitable for increasing layer by layer research the degree of prosperity; 6, according to the details of the inquiry and the design of the working conditions of reasonable selection of the enhancement layer design of increasing layer structure after re modeling; 7, combined with the engineering examples of the use of the original structure of ANSYS adding layer and dynamic modal analysis and seismic time history analysis by structure layer after the transformation, comparative analysis of the influence of the structure of the layer increased, and how to deal with; 8, the final results of the analysis show that the increase of the structure layer design scheme is modified with stability and good seismic performance, and the indexes of the All of them meet the requirements of the current standard. Therefore, the exploration of the prediction and design of this increasing layer is of certain reference value to the similar project.



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