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发布时间:2018-01-12 14:18

  本文关键词:商业银行房地产抵押贷款风险防范研究 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 抵押贷款 商业银行 风险控制

【摘要】:房地产抵押贷款,因为其相对来说风险较低,故而在我国银行业开展极为广泛。以房地产作为抵押物对于商业银行信贷业务的管理、贷款风险的防控,还有信贷资产的保全起到了不可否认的积极作用,然而,随着近些年以来房地产价格的不断上涨,国家调控政策的陆续出台,再加上我国社会整体信用环境欠佳、相关法律法规亟需完善、金融产品不甚丰富、风险管理经验欠缺还有各家商业银行间为了争夺业务而导致的恶性竞争等一系列原因,使得房地产抵押贷款的风险不容忽视。房地产抵押贷款的风险影响的不单单是商业银行的经营管理,还有经济发展以及社会稳定。因此,如何防范和控制这些风险成为了各商业银行关注的核心问题。 本论文从房地产抵押贷款的基本要素及具体操作流程出发,从贷款人、借款人以及社会经济大环境的角度进行探讨,在此基础上对房地产抵押贷款的抵押物风险、流动性风险、操作风险、欺诈风险、房地产抵押登记部门的风险等进行了详细分析,并结合实际切实地提出了商业银行在房地产抵押贷款风险控制上的一系列对策,商业银行工作人员必须在正确判断抵押人的资信状况、还贷能力、市场预测的前提下发放贷款,重视第一还款来源,加强贷款全流程管理,积极审慎地推动金融创新,切实分散银行风险。
[Abstract]:The real estate mortgage loan, because of its relatively low risk, therefore in China's banking industry development is extremely broad. Real estate as collateral for commercial bank credit business management, prevention and control of credit risk, and credit asset preservation has played a positive role, but undeniable, in recent years with the real real estate prices continue to rise, the state control policies, coupled with the overall credit environment of our society is poor, need to improve the relevant laws and regulations, financial products are not very rich, and the lack of experience in risk management of commercial banks for business between lead to vicious competition and a series of reasons, the risk of real estate mortgage the loan can not be ignored. The risk of real estate mortgage effect is not only the management of commercial banks, as well as economic development and social stability. Therefore, how to prevent and control These risks have become the core issues of concern to commercial banks.
This paper from the basic elements of real estate mortgage and the specific operation process of the lender, the borrower and the angle of the social economy, on the basis of the real estate mortgage collateral risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, fraud risk, real estate mortgage registration department of the risk of a detailed analysis, and put forward the practical and commercial banks in the real estate mortgage risk control on a series of countermeasures combined with the actual employees of commercial banks must correctly judge the credit status of the mortgagor, repayment ability, the premise of the market prediction of loans, pay attention to the first source of repayment, to strengthen the management of the whole process of loans, positive prudent to promote financial innovation, to spread the risks of banks.



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