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发布时间:2018-01-12 22:40

  本文关键词:基于IntraWeb社会综合治税系统的设计与实现 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: IntraWeb Web应用 税务

【摘要】:随着改革开放的日益深入和社会主义市场经济的不断完善,以及社会经济状况的更新,就长沙市雨花区地税局而言,征收税种多、税源零散,税源监控的难度非常大。在这样的背景下需要一个地税和其他税源监控部门协作的平台《社会综合治税信息平台》来更好地处理涉税事宜。 本文是基于作者参与开发《社会综合治税信息平台》的工作基础上完成的。文章首先介绍了社会综合治税信息平台的一些背景知识,概述了社会综合治税的主要任务:采集管辖区内的所有成员单位的涉税经济信息,对数据进行合成整理分析,凝聚社会各界力量,合力构建严密的税源控管体系。 接下来本文对基于Intraweb进行Web应用开发进行了解析和论述,详细阐述了Intraweb的相关计算机技术,包括Intraweb的概述、特点、工作模式、技术特点、以及如何工作等相关信息。 在分析了基于Intraweb进行Web应用开发的基础上,论文对《社会综合治税信息平台》的系统需求分析、系统设计等进行了详细的阐述。并通过系统登录、房地产销售对比两个模块介绍了系统的实现方法。最后介绍了系统的测试方法和测试例程。 本文介绍的基于Intraweb开发的《社会综合治税信息平台》较好地满足了业务上的需要,,使税务部门更加有效地控制税源、掌握税基,实现税收征管方式的转变,由注重征收管理向税源控管和征收管理并举转变。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening up and the socialist market economy continues to improve, and update the social economic situation, it Changsha Yuhua District Local Taxation Bureau, tax collection, tax scattered, tax source monitoring is very difficult. In this context requires a collaboration between tax and other tax monitoring departments "social platform comprehensive collection of information platform > to better deal with tax matters.
This paper is based on the author participated in the development of "social tax management information platform > work. This paper first introduces some social tax management information platform of background knowledge, summarizes the main task of the social comprehensive tax collection tax jurisdiction: economic information to all members of the unit area, synthetic analysis to the data aggregation all sectors of society, constructing the strict tax control system.
Next, we analyze and discuss the development of Web application based on Intraweb, and elaborate the related computer technology of Intraweb, including the overview, characteristics, working mode, technical characteristics and related information of Intraweb.
Based on the analysis of the Web application development based on Intraweb, the paper analysis the demand of the system "social tax management information platform", system design in detail. And through the system login, real estate sales compared to two module realization method of the system are introduced. Finally, introduces the system test method and test routine.
This paper introduces the < social tax management information platform based on Intraweb is developed to better meet the needs of the business, the tax department can more effectively control the sources, grasp the tax base, realize the transformation of the mode of tax collection administration, by paying attention to the collection and management of tax sources and collection management to simultaneously change.



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